[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Coral Reservation Abuse - ACTION REQUESTED - on behalf of John Weaver

David B. Janes janes at ecn.purdue.edu
Fri Aug 27 23:23:14 EDT 2010


This would be a good exercise for the P&P committee (or at least a 
subcommittee).  However, we put the P&P committee on indefinite hiatus 
-- generally due to a lack of participation by faculty and a perception 
that most major issues had been solved.  Apparently, the latter wasn't a 
particularly valid suggestion.


Peroulis, Dimitrios wrote:
> Hi all,
> Although I do not know who the students are (John, I could not find an 
> attachment to your email) and this impacts my students probably more 
> than anyone else’s, I have a somewhat different approach than Eric’s. 
> In my opinion, when something reaches epidemic proportions, there may 
> be a deeper reason. I am not sure what the reason is, but I think we 
> need to find out.
> I personally would like to volunteer to talk to the students and find 
> out what is going on. Either something in the system is not working (I 
> doubt it but we need to consider it) or students are irresponsible 
> (the second and most likely possibility). Either way, I think we can 
> find out. In the first case we can probably fix things. In the second 
> case, I would follow Eric’s approach, as we should not tolerate abuse.
> If you agree, maybe a small sub-committee (I could be part of it) 
> could talk individually to students next week to identify the problem 
> and also deliver a strong warning to them that they are forcing BNC to 
> take action against them.
> Best,
> Dimitri
> ___________________________________________________
> Dimitrios Peroulis
> Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering/Mechanical 
> Engineering
> Purdue University
> Birck Nanotechnology Center Room 2266
> 1205 West State Street
> West Lafayette, IN 47907
> tel: (765) 494-3491
> fax: (765) 496-6443
> email: dperouli at purdue.edu
> *From:* bnc-faculty-all-list-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu 
> [mailto:bnc-faculty-all-list-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu] *On Behalf Of 
> *Eric Stach
> *Sent:* Friday, August 27, 2010 9:19 PM
> *To:* Jeff Goecker; Weaver, John R
> *Cc:* Dmitri Zakharov; BNC Faculty
> *Subject:* Re: [Bnc-faculty-all-list] Coral Reservation Abuse - ACTION 
> REQUESTED - on behalf of John Weaver
> John & Colleagues:
> The answer to this is very, very simple.   That user should have had 
> their user privileges revoked somewhere between 3-5 of these events.   
> It is a privilege to access equipment, not a right.
> I say this based on now ∼20 yrs of working in electron microscopy 
> labs: you don't show up, you lose your privilege to use the equipment.
> Eric
> (yes: I don't work at BNC anymore, but this would have NEVER been OK 
> in my labs there.)
> On Aug 27, 2010, at 5:09 PM, Jeff Goecker wrote:
> BNC Faculty –
> I need your help on a situation that is impacting the ability of 
> researchers to use the BNC equipment.  We are beginning to reach 
> epidemic proportions of people reserving equipment and not using the 
> equipment – and not cancelling their reservations so that someone else 
> can use that equipment.  This practice causes false bottlenecks and 
> leaves the equipment unused.  In the first 8 weeks of this fiscal 
> year, we have had 1165 incidents.
> An example is one user who has 20 unused and not canceled reservations 
> on the MJB-3 aligner in 8 weeks – that’s 2 ½ unused reservations every 
> week.  This is a very highly used piece of equipment, and we are 
> receiving complaints that this equipment is not available.  This same 
> user has 12 unused and not canceled reservations on the CHA evaporator 
> – another critical piece of equipment.
> The CHA evaporator has had 82 unused and not canceled reservations in 
> the last 8 weeks, more than 10 per week.
> Please ask your students to be more courteous to the other researchers 
> in the BNC.  The attached spreadsheet shows those users with at least 
> 8 unused and not cancelled reservations in the past 8 weeks by Coral 
> user name.  I have also highlighted incidents where one user had at 
> least 8 unused and not cancelled reservations on a particular piece of 
> equipment.
> While it is understood that there are legitimate incidents where a 
> user reserves a piece of equipment but cannot use it, this happening 
> at a very high frequency is more likely abuse.
> Thanking you for your consideration,
> John
> */John R. Weaver/*
> */Facility Manager/*
> */Birck Nanotechnology Center/*
> */Purdue University/*
> */(765) 494-5494/*
> */jrweaver at purdue.edu <mailto:jrweaver at purdue.edu>/*
> */
> /*
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