[BNC-all] BNC News: Week of February 14th

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Tue Feb 15 08:24:20 EST 2022

Seminars /Workshops / Events / Announcement

Dear All Members of the Faculty,

Prof Segev who is ECE Inaugural Neil Armstrong Distinguished Visiting Fellow will be visiting Purdue from February 21-25:

If you would like to meet up with him, please use this google link to sign up:



Boltasseva, Alexandra (Sasha)

Quantum Programming Workshop for Purdue Women  Engineers and Scientists
Date & time: Feb 25th 2022, 11:59 AM to 4:00 PM

In-Person Location: Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering Room 2008  (Virtual attendees can use Zoom)
Open registration: https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3yifGFEsUYmUX8q
Learning from the history of the digital revolution in which women played a significant role in driving software development in the early days, the IQPARC project is paying particular attention to attracting women scientists and engineers from different disciplines at Purdue.

IQPARC is holding a half-day hands-on hybrid workshop (lunch provided for in-person attendees at 11:30 am) for women engineers and scientists at Purdue. The workshop features webinars by Industry leaders, e.g., Microsoft, IonQ, and Quantum Computing Inc., and Purdue's Professors and students on the following topics:

?    Introduction to IQPARC (10min)

Prof. Mahdi Hosseini (Purdue ECE)

?    Introduction to IonQ quantum processors (50min)

Sarah Kreikemeier, Senior Mechanical Engineer, IonQ Inc. (NYSE: IONQ)

?    Cloud quantum programming, Microsoft Azure Quantum (120min)

Mariia Mykhailova, Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft Quantum

?    Solving optimization problems with quantum computers, Quantum Computing Inc.(50min)

QCi Presenter: TBA

?    Cloud quantum programming using IBM Qiskit language (50min)

Purdue student presenter: Ganga Jayarathna, recorded video will be available on IQPARC.com after the workshop

All attendees will receive a certificate of competition from IQPARC. Moreover, attendees will have opportunities to participate in follow-up programming events (with free access to quantum computers) and apply for awards and summer scholarships offered by IQPARC.

To learn more about the Center for Innovation in Quantum Pedagogy, Application and its Relation to Culture (IQ-PARC), please visit the home page at https://www.iqparc.com
Questions can be directed to: lidongyang at purdue.edu<mailto:lidongyang at purdue.edu>

This effort is supported by the National Defense Education Program (NDEP-STEM) under Grant No. HQ0034-21-1-0014
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Mask Protocols in the Cleanroom
We have observed various masking practices in the cleanroom recently so as a reminder for those using our Birck cleanroom, please continue to follow our COVID mask protocols.  Masking requirements are either to use an M3 N95 mask by itself or use a standard mask under the cleanroom veil.  If you have any questions please contact a staff member.

Ron Reger
Birck Engineering

Mask Protocols (REMINDER)

Dear All Birck Users,

Please remember that masks are required to be worn at all times when in Purdue buildings.  The exceptions are when eating or drinking. The official Purdue policy states:

"Masks are currently required inside all campus buildings, regardless of vaccination status. Full Protect Purdue masking protocols are available online. Violations of these protocols will be considered violations of the Protect Purdue Pledge and will be subject to disciplinary action."

We've had reports of Birck users passing through Bindley with no masks.  Please follow these masking requirements whether in Birck, Bindley, or any other campus building.

Thanks for your support and cooperation.

Ron Reger

Birck Events<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/index.php> and Birck News<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/news/index.php>

Congratulations to Professor Mahdi Hosseini

February 2, 2022
Prof. Mahdi Hosseini receives NSF CAREER Award
[Mahdi Hosseini]
Mahdi Hosseini, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Mahdi Hosseini, assistant professor in Purdue University's Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award. These prestigious awards are in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through research and education, and the integration of these endeavors in the context of their organizations' missions. The awards, presented once each year, include a federal grant for research and education activities for five consecutive years.

Hosseini's five-year, $500K grant will support a project entitled "CAREER: Active Nonlinear Photonics with Applications in Quantum Networks<https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2144356&HistoricalAwards=false>," which involves the investigation of a new paradigm of light-matter interactions. Using novel photonic materials controllably incorporated with optical centers (e.g. rare-earth atoms), the optical properties of the material can be engineered to develop quantum photonic devices as building blocks of future quantum networks.

Hosseini says he is humbled to receive this award.

"The NSF CAREER Award recognizes the significance of our study and enables us to continue cutting-edge research in the field of photonics and quantum communications," he says. "Joining the league of distinguished CAREER awardees as outstanding researchers is a remarkable opportunity and recognition for me and my research group."

Hosseini says this research could lead to reducing the footprint of quantum devices while addressing some of the fundamental limitations related to low-loss and low-noise interfacing quantum information with atoms.

R&D Senior Design Engineer at Alpha & Omega Semiconductor
Alpha & Omega Semiconductor is looking for a Senior Design Engineer who will work in a dynamic team environment at AOS headquarter located in Sunnyvale, CA. The main responsibility of this position is to work with marketing/process integration/product engineering group to develop silicon power device technology.
Application link: Senior Design Engineer - Sunnyvale, CA - Alpha & Omega Semiconductor Jobs (applicantpro.com)<https://caosmd.applicantpro.com/jobs/2050960.html>

Opening in OxideMEMS lab

 Sunil Bhave's OxideMEMS Lab <https://engineering.purdue.edu/oxidemems/publications.html> explores inter-domain coupling in Opto-mechanical, Spin-Acoustic and Atom-MEMS devices. PhD, Postdoctoral and Research Associate positions are available in these areas:

*      Superconducting qubit and cryo-CMOS circuits
*      Resonators and switches
*      MEMS-engine for LIDAR
*      Piezo-on-nitride transducers for atom-mechanics
Expertise in many and most of Microfabrication, PiezoMEMS, Photonics, Quantum Mechanics, Microwave circuits, PCB design, ADS/HFSS, Comsol, Python and Labview is required.
Please send CV to bhave at purdue.edu<mailto:bhave at purdue.edu>  if you are interested link<http://interested.link>

Graduate Research Assistantship Opportunity:
Deposited Gate Oxides for SiC MOSFETs

Up to two graduate research assistantships are available in the area of silicon carbide metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices. SiC is a wide bandgap semiconductor with a high critical field, making it an exciting material for power electronic devices. SiC MOSFETs are now commercially available, but do not yet achieve their full potential. Our group is approaching this problem from several directions, including a new device trench MOSFET geometries inspired by modern FinFETs and alternative gate insulator fabrication methods.

Research activities will include fabrication and characterization of SiC MOS capacitors and MOSFETs with gate oxides formed by thermal oxidation, atomic layer deposition (ALD), and other methods. The student will gain a detailed understanding of the physics of the MOS interface and will learn various methods of characterizing devices, including MOS CV analysis, interface state density and carrier mobility.

For more information or to apply, send resume and contact information to:

Dallas Morisette
Research Assistant Professor
morisett at purdue.edu<mailto:morisett at purdue.edu>

[cid:image014.png at 01D81133.C6F37D40]              Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health

Postdoctoral Fellow Position in the NIBIB's Section on Mechanobiology

Fields: Mechanobiology, Biophysics, Engineering, High-resolution Imaging, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology
Research Project Title: Mechanobiology of Self-Organization in Cancer
Project Description: The NIBIB's Section on Mechanobiology (https://www.nibib.nih.gov/labs-at-nibib/section-mechanobiology) at the National Institutes of Health is recruiting a Staff Scientist. The focus of the Cartagena-Rivera lab the development and use of advanced Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) tools for cellular and tissue mechanics investigation. We seek to understand several important biological processes by applying physics and engineering principles, particularly: the molecular-mechanical regulation of the actomyosin cortex and glycocalyx of highly malignant cancers (including melanoma, breast, ovarian, and pancreatic); the structural-molecular-mechanical regulation of the solid tumor microenvironment for deciphering self-organization, morphogenesis, and growth in cancer biology; and the anisotropic mechanical properties of developmental and mature inner ear sensory and non-sensory epithelial tissues using a novel noncontact AFM approach.
This position will work at the intersection of biophysics, engineering, mathematics, and molecular/cellular/developmental biology to study the mechanobiological regulation of cells and tissues during development and disease. Furthermore, will work on development of new Atomic Force Microscopy-based technologies to study fast multiparametric and multidimensional cellular and tissue processes, advances the state of the art AFM imaging methods for high spati-temporal and quantitative nanomechanical mapping. In addition, will work closely with collaborating cell biologist, geneticists, engineers, and byophysists within and outside the NIH.
Qualifications: The candidate must have a Ph.D. degree in cellular biology, biophysics, biomedical or mechanical engineering, or related discipline, with some background in molecular cell biology and developmental biology. The candidate must demonstrate ability to work in a multidisciplinary and diverse team. We are seeking a highly motivated individual who has a demonstrated record of productivity and success in scientific and engineering projects. The candidate must have experience on cellular and tissue mechanics, tissue culture, AFM imaging, high-resolution optical imaging, and programming for data analysis (preferably Julia, Python, MATLAB, or R) and/or experimental devices control (preferably LabVIEW).
Position Location: Bethesda, Maryland (NIH main campus)
To Apply: Salary is determined by the NIH stipend level for Post-Doctoral Trainees and Fellows.Applicants are invited to submit a curriculum vitae including a list of publications, a maximum one-page summary of research interests, and names and contact details of three referees to Dr. Cartagena-Rivera by email at alexander.cartagena-rivera at nih.gov<mailto:alexander.cartagena-rivera at nih.gov>.
The National Institutes of Health is an equal opportunity employer. The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and employment programs.

For more information or to apply, send resume and contact information to:
Daniel M. Suter, PhD
Department of Biological Sciences
Purdue University
915 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47906
dsuter at purdue.edu<mailto:dsuter at purdue.edu>

NSAC Fab Forum
NSAC Fab Forum every Tuesday 2:00pm-2.30pm

NSAC Coffee Hour
NSAC Fab Forum every Friday 3:00pm-3.30pm

Birck Nanotechnology Center Advanced Capabilities

Kinzel Roll-to-Roll Screen Printer
[cid:image011.jpg at 01D82245.6BCA0880]

  *   Print patterns of conductive, dielectric, and graphic inks on flexible substrates (polymeric films or paper)

  *   Automatic, roll-to-roll operation for large volume flexible electronics fabrication.

  *   Large format up to 300 mm x 450 mm printed per impression, 200 mm resolution.

Other Capabilities:

?    Ink curing via in-line UV lamp or thermal convection dryer.

?    Multi-layer printing via multiple passes with registration.
Location: Indiana Manufacturing Institute (1105 Challenger Avenue, West Lafayette, IN)
Contact: Nick Glassmaker (nglassma at purdue.edu)           <mailto:nglassma at purdue.edu>
Please visit the Birck Wiki to learn about the wide array of fabrication and characterization equipment at the facility<https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/display/BNCWiki/>

***To post an announcement in the weekly BNC E-news please send to Sangeeta Abrol @ abrols at purdue.edu***<mailto:abrols at purdue.edu***>

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

[Facebook icon]<https://www.facebook.com/nano.purdue.edu/>    [Twitter icon] <https://twitter.com/BNCPurdue>

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