[BNC-all] New Raman Spectrometer

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Sat Jan 16 13:35:54 EST 2021

Sent on behalf of Alexei Lagoutchev

Dear all,

The long-awaited replacement for the outdated T64000 Raman Spectrometer at Purdue Optics and Spectroscopy Core has finally arrived, has been installed and is under test. The most important new feature of the DXR3xi spectro-microscope device by ThermoFisher Scientific is its ability to perform Raman mapping. Jsut as the old one, the new device is going to be available through iLab. A remote demonstration of the new device capabilities is preliminary scheduled to be performed during the week of January 24th. The exact date, schedule and connection details will be announced shortly. Several groups have already agreed to supply the samples for the planned demonstration. The new device has an accessory to record spectra from bulk samples, e.g., powders and liquids. If any group is interested to test such samples during the demonstration, please get in touch with the maintainer, Alexei Lagoutchev, lagutch at purdue.edu<mailto:lagutch at purdue.edu>

Thank you,


Alexei Lagoutchev, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
BRK 1276
Birck Nanotechnology Center
1205 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057

Tel.: 765-496-3539, Fax: 765-496-2018
lagutch at purdue.edu<mailto:lagutch at purdue.edu>

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