[BNC-all] Welcome Back!

Reger, Ronald K rreger at purdue.edu
Wed Jan 20 10:03:51 EST 2021

Dear Birck Research Community,

The Birck Leadership Team wants to extend a very warm ‘welcome back’ to everyone here at the start of Spring semester!  We hope everyone found some time to disconnect, rest, and recharge!  Our facility has been back online since January 4th with the normal hazardous gases turned back on and our staff members available for their usual great support.

As you are undoubtedly aware, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to expand and accelerate.  This national trend has been evident for the last several weeks and it is no different here at West Lafayette, Purdue, and Birck.  We must be even more diligent to honor the Protect Purdue Pledge that we’re all committed to:

1.       Protect Myself:                Use hand sanitizer frequently and maintain > 6’ social distancing.  Report any symptoms to a medical professional.  Birck has a number of hand sanitizer stations throughout the facility so please use them regularly.

2.       Protect Others:               Wearing masks reduces the aerosolization of virus particles, thus protecting others.  We have received anonymous notes of concern regarding some of our researchers not using masks at times.  While in Birck we have a policy that you must wear a mask.  This applies to every area, offices included.  Also, look out for others and encourage their faithful commitment to the Pledge.  Stay home if you feel ill or after a potential exposure.

3.       Protect Our Purdue Community:               Keep clothing, belongings, personal spaces & shared common spaces clean and protected.  This includes all areas within Birck …… offices, labs, common areas, atriums, restrooms, and the cleanroom.

We must all do our part to keep Birck and Purdue a safe place in which to conduct state-of-the-art research.  By being extra careful, and by offering reminders to our peers and associates, we can ensure Birck stays open and safely supports our nearly 500 users.

Thank you very much for your support of this critically important Pledge.

The Birck Leadership Team

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