[BNC-all] 7+1 BRK updates: reorganization and opportunities to showcase your research

Peroulis, Dimitrios dperouli at purdue.edu
Wed Aug 20 00:25:48 EDT 2014

Dear all,

With the start of the new semester, I would like to take the opportunity to outline a series of updates at BRK. Specifically:

1.       We have reorganized our staff leadership team with updated roles and responsibilities to better serve the end users and support strategic growth for our center. The attached pdf outlines these changes.

2.       We are in the middle of re-organizing our bio-safety protocols and operations. Instead of having a bio-safety officer, we will form a common safety committee with Bindley and will place our operations directly under the supervision of Bob Golden (REM Biological Safety Officer) in the same way as all other university units have done. I will email separately faculty working in the bio area to discuss the details of this re-organization. After this is completed the Bindley and BRK sites will have the same biosafety protocols.

3.       We are designing a BRK Open House day for all internal and external researchers. All recharge centers will be part of the Open House, but we would very much welcome participation from students/postdocs/researchers/faculty to help showcase your research area. The first one will be in February 2015. Ideas and contributions are welcome.

4.       We are creating a Wikipedia article for BRK. We would love to include your research area. Please send me a paragraph of your research area so we can integrate it with the rest of the write up. Please send this to me by: September 22nd, 2014.

5.       We are updating all research areas on our website. The ones listed now are outdated. We plan to use the info above to also update our website.

6.       We have now finished installing the big screens around BRK. We would love to show images, videos, presentations, etc. from your research. Please upload anything you would like to share in these big screens at: http://eng.purdue.edu/jump/b008ac. Log in with career account and password, then add files under the Display Information folder we have made. All BRK faculty have access to this. While free formatting will be accepted, I have attached an example slide that you may use as a template to provide a more unified BRK theme. This is available immediately and we are eager to receive your contributions.

7.       We have now been running our pilot feedback system for 5 months. During this time, we received 106 feedback messages in 20 weeks and we directly addressed 19 issues in the lab. We are very thankful for your feedback. As always, please check the Friday memo for responses to issues that you bring up. We plan to expand this system to include the whole facility but we would like your input on how to best do this. Please talk or email either Ron or me with regards to this.

Finally, I will be representing Discovery Park and BRK in the Purdue new faculty orientation on Thursday August 21, 1.30-2.30pm, PMU South Ballroom. If you know of new faculty at Purdue interested in Discovery Park/BRK, please encourage them to visit our booth.

As always, comments are welcome. Happy to discuss in person as well.

Wishing everyone a great start of the semester!

Dimitrios Peroulis
Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Deputy Director, Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University
1205 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057
tel: (765) 494-3491, fax: (765) 494-4731
email: dperouli at purdue.edu<mailto:dperouli at purdue.edu>

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