[BNC-all] Visitor Safety Glasses

John Weaver jrweaver at ecn.purdue.edu
Fri Mar 16 08:27:00 EDT 2007



FROM:  John Weaver, Ira Young

TO:  All Laboratory Keyholders

SUBJECT:  Visitor Safety Glasses




We have purchased and distributed safety glasses for use by visitors coming
into the laboratories.  To distinguish them from the regular safety glasses
that normal occupants of the laboratories use, we purchased brightly colored
(red, white, blue) glasses.  These are for visitor use only - please do not
take these glasses for your personal use.  


We want to ensure that they are available for visitors, so if you lend a
pair to a visitor, please put them back in the holder when the visitor


Thank you for your assistance in making this new program work. 






Thanking you,




Ira C. Young                             John R. Weaver

Operations Logistics                  Facility Manager

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