ECE 50024: Class Policy(Last update: 7-Nov, 2024) Grading ScaleThis class is graded according to a set curve. Final grades will be distributed through a comparison among students based on the assignments outlined. IncompletesA grade of incomplete (I) will be given only in unusual circumstances. To receive an ‘‘I’’ grade, a written request must be submitted prior to December 1, and approved by the instructor. The request must describe the circumstances, along with a proposed timeline for completing the course work. Submitting a request does not ensure that an incomplete grade will be granted. If granted, you will be required to fill out and sign an ‘‘Incomplete Contract’’ form that will be turned in with the course grades. Any requests made after the course is completed will not be considered for an incomplete grade. Attendance PolicyIn-person: There are random quizzes and other in-class activities to incentivize you to attend class. I ask you to attend class not because I want more audience. It's just a simple reality observation: With more than 10 years of data samples, students find attending class more effective. The classroom vibe and interactions are something videos cannot offer. Online: We require you take the online quizes regularly so that we can help you with
your progress. If you fail to do these, we will reach out to you and find out
how we can help. If the situation does not improve, we will discuss follow up
plans. This includes, but not limited to, failing the course. Academic IntegrityThis course is not a required course. So we assume that you are taking it
because you really want to learn something. We respect you as adults, and we
expect you behave as adults. Therefore, we ask you to be honest and ethical
in the course. In that respect, any action that might give a student unfair
advantage on homework or exams will be considered dishonest. Examples
include, but are not limited to:
If you work with another student on a homework, you must acknowledge the
person(s) by writing their names on your submission. Regardless if you have
worked with another classmate, you must write your own solution. “Write your
own solution’’ means you write in your own words, write your own program,
make your own plots. If we see two identical homework, both parties will
receive zero. Cheating in homework and exams will receive penalties including, but not
limited to, partial or no credit for the respective work, and / or failing
the course. All cases of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Office of Student
Rights and Responsibilities, and will result in punishment. Possible
punishments include, but are not limited to, a score of zero on work related
to the cheating incident, a failing grade for the course, and, in severe
cases, expulsion from the university. Nondiscrimination StatementPurdue University is committed to maintaining
a community that recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of
every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual
respect among its members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach
his or her own potential. In pursuit of its goal of academic excellence, the
University seeks to develop and nurture diversity. The University believes
that diversity among its many members strengthens the institution, stimulates
creativity, promotes the exchange of ideas, and enriches campus life.
to Purdue’s nondiscrimination policy statement. Students with DisabilitiesIf you have a letter of accommodation from the disability resources center (DRC), please submit it through myPurdue. Our policy is to follow the recommendations stated in the DRC letters. For example, if DRC suggests giving 1.5x time to your exams, we will give you 90 minutes for the quiz. However, the 72-hour window will not be extended. Emergency PreparationIn the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines and
grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a
revised semester calendar or other circumstances beyond the instructor’s
control. Relevant changes to this course will be posted onto the course
website or can be obtained by contacting the instructors or TAs via email or
phone. You are expected to read your email on a frequent basis. Guidelines regarding ensuring access to emergency information:
Mental Health Statement
NetiquetteYour instructor and fellow students wish to foster a safe online learning environment All opinions and experiences, no matter how different or controversial they may be perceived, must be respected in the tolerant spirit of academic discourse. You are encouraged to comment, question, or critique an idea, but you are not to attack an individual. Our differences, some of which are outlined in the University's nondiscrimination statement below, will add richness to this learning experience. Please consider that sarcasm and humor can be misconstrued in online interactions and generate unintended disruptions. Working as a community of learners, we can build a polite and respectful course ambience. Please read the Netiquette rules for this course:
Violent Behavior PolicyPurdue University is committed to providing a safe and secure campus environment for members of the university community. Purdue strives to create an educational environment for students and a work environment for employees that promote educational and career goals. Violent Behavior impedes such goals. Therefore, Violent Behavior is prohibited in or on any University Facility or while participating in any university activity. See the University's full violent behavior policy for more detail. Diversity and Inclusion StatementIn our discussions, structured and unstructured, we will explore a variety of challenging issues, which can help us enhance our understanding of different experiences and perspectives. This can be challenging, but in overcoming these challenges we find the greatest rewards. While we will design guidelines as a group, everyone should remember the following points:
Course EvaluationDuring the last two weeks of the course, you will be provided with an opportunity to evaluate this course and your instructor. Purdue uses an online course evaluation system. You will receive an official email from evaluation administrators with a link to the online evaluation site. You will have up to two weeks to complete this evaluation. Your participation is an integral part of this course, and your feedback is vital to improving education at Purdue University. I strongly urge you to participate in the evaluation system. |