

Center for Materials Under eXtreme Environments (CMUXE) is a research unit at Purdue University aimed at promoting nuclear, material science, plasma research and education. Members of the CMUXE group perform basic and applied research in a wide variety of interdisciplinary fields. The major thrust area is the interactions of high-intensity, modulated energy beams: electromagnetic radiation, plasma, electrons, ions and other particle sources (i.e. clusters, molecules) with matter. The CMUXE combines advanced integrated computational tools (i.e. HEIGHTS simulation package) and state-of-the art experimental devices.




Prof. Hassanein, the Paul L. Wattelet & Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering is selected for IAAM Scientist Medal Award for "Outstanding Contributions to advanced material science", 2024. IAAM Scientist Award and Medal are the illustrious honours that the International Association of Advanced Materials presents to distinguished researchers and scientists to recognize their distinct contributions to the sphere of Materials Science, Engineering and Technology. As part of its awards and recognitions program, IAAM acknowledges the outstanding contribution of scientists at all stages of their careers. IAAM Scientist Award and Medal are meant for senior, mid-carrier, and early-career researchers who have made distinctive contributions towards interfacing the materials for multi-inter-trans disciplinary fields of science, engineering, and technology. The association confers this award and recognition to motivate scholars to continue on the path of producing ground-breaking research for Advancing Materials to Global excellence. In 2013, he received the IEEE Merit Award, the highest technical award of the nuclear and plasma science society (NPSS). In 2019, he was awarded the prestigious IEEE Charles Birdsall prize for Excellence in Computational Nuclear and Plasma Sciences. In 2020, he was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), Fusion Energy Division. Prof. Hassanein is fellows of eight professional societies including ANS, APS, IEEE, SPIE, AAAS, OSA, IOP , and IAAM .


(1) Discussion on release of treated wastewater from Fukushima
(CGTN America, August 2023)

(3) US Scientist to announce nuclear fusion break throgh (TVEyes Broadcast)

(2) Purdue Expert: Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough (January 2023)

(4) An eXtreme Team - CMUXE-Purdue (WebsEdge Science, 2012)

Prof. Hassanein, the Paul L. Wattelet & Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering is selected IAAM Fellow for significant contribution to "Advancement of Materials to Global Excellence", 2023. Fellow of IAAM is a notable distinction that the International Association of Advanced Materials confers upon researchers and scientists to recognize their important contribution and efforts for the advancement of materials. The Fellow of IAAM is recognized as a prestigious title that is only conferred upon deserving researchers who have made significant contributions to the world of Advanced Materials Science, Engineering, and Technology. By honouring the researchers and scientific elites with this coveted title, IAAM recognizes their hard work and also hopes to motivate the young and upcoming researchers to take research up as a long-term career.


Prof. Hassanein, the Paul L. Wattelet & Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering is selected as the nominator for the Global VinFuture Foundation Prize, Vietnam, 2022. The VinFuture Prize is an annual international award that honors remarkable scientific breakthroughs and promotes innovations for mankind, with involvement from scientists, policymakers, business leaders, and prize holders. It is the first influential and worldwide prize to be founded in Vietnam, and it is hosted by the VinFuture Foundation.

Prof. Hassanein, the Paul L. Wattelet & Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering is selected as the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences member to evaluate Goran Gustafsson Prize in Physics 2022. The Goran Gustafsson Foundation for Research in Natural Sciences and Medicine annually gives perennial large grants to researchers in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, molecular biology and medicine in Sweden. The Goran Gustafsson Prize is a set of perennial large grants to researchers in Sweden. Universities and university colleges in Sweden can nominate researchers and the prize is managed by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which also hands out the awards during their formal gathering on 31 March each year. The Goran Gustafsson Foundation manages a capital of about one billion SEK.


Prof. Hassanein, the Paul L. Wattelet & Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering is awarded the 2020 Outstanding Achievement Award of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), Fusion Energy Division. The award is given on biennial basis for individual recognition of a continued history of exemplary achievement requiring professional excellence and leadership in the fusion science and engineering area. The award consists of plaque, certificate designating the presentation of the award, and a check which was presented at the Topical Meeting of Fusion Energy (TOFE) during the ANS winter meeting in November 16-19, 2020. This award is his third International Award. In 2013, he received the IEEE Merit Award, the highest technical award of the nuclear and plasma science society (NPSS). In 2019, he was awarded the prestigious IEEE Charles Birdsall prize for Excellence in Computational Nuclear and Plasma Sciences. Prof. Hassanein is fellows of seven professional societies including ANS, APS, IEEE, SPIE, AAAS, OSA, and IOP.

Assistant Professor Tatyana Sizyuk is awarded two-year $500K project from the Department of Energy Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (OFES), to study plasma-material interactions in DIII-D, Fusion Tokamak Device, the US largest Fusion Device at General Atomics. Her analysis will help advance nuclear fusion as viable energy source for future generation.

Assistant Professor Tatyana Sizyuk received the gift $50K from KLA, one of the leading companies in the semiconductors industry in recognition of her unique worldwide capabilities in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) nanolithography for developing the next generation computer chips. KLA (USA) is currently negotiating a large contract (230K/yr) with Prof. Sizyuk to develop EUV sources for inspection and metrology to perfect computer chips quality.

Assistant Professor Tatyana Sizyuk is awarded $150K project from Samsung (South Korea), one of the world largest semiconductor companies, with an extension of up to three years for a total of $450K. Prof. Sizyuk will help optimize and advance nanolithography devices to accelerate manufacturing of the next generation computers.

Prof. Hassanein, the Paul L. Wattelet & Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering is selected Expert Member of the evaluation committee for the Laureates of the Global Energy Prize. The Global Energy Prize recognizes outstanding achievement in Energy with an award of 39 Million Rubles awarded by the President of Russian Federation. The Expert Members committee is chosen from highly and outstanding accomplished scientists from different countries. In accordance with the regulation statute, the structure of the expert pool is not disclosed. Former and Current Presidents, Heads of States, and Prime Ministers have made statement during the Award Ceremony. These include Russia (President V. Putin, Russian Prime Minister D. Medvedev), Australia (H. Taylor MP, Minister of Energy), Canada (S. Harper, Former Prime Minister), Denmark (D. Jorgensen, Minister of Climate, Energy, and Utilities), England (T. Blair, G. Brown, D. Cameron, Former British Prime Ministers), France (J. Chirac, Former President of France), Iceland (O. Grimsson, Former President), Japan (S. Abe, J. Koizumi, Former Prime Ministers), Switzerland (D. Leuthard, Ex-President), and US (G.W. Bush, 43rd Former President of USA).

Prof. Hassanein, the Paul L. Wattelet & Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering received gifts from Hamamatsu and Gigaphoton, Japan, of more than 300K to advance Photonics Research for future energy and industrial applications.


Prof. Hassanein, the Paul L. Wattelet & Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering received the 2019 IEEE Charles Birdsall Prestigious Awards for The Leadership and Excellence in Computational Nuclear and Plasma Sciences.

Prof. Hassanein, the Paul L. Wattelet & Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering was chosen among the top 20 Exceptional Nuclear Engineering Professors according to the, Professor To Know. Those nuclear engineering professors are known not just for their teaching ability but their contributions to the field as a whole. They include accomplished researchers and professionals, prolific writers and presenters, and leaders of prestigious nuclear engineering organizations.

CMUXE graduate student N. Termini received tree-year NEUP graduate fellowship. This award is through the Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP) for the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of the Nuclear Energy (NE), this award is intended to help pay for graduate studies and research.


Associate Professor Gennady Miloshevsky has been selected as a Faculty Fellow in the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Faculty Fellowship Program for the second consecutive year. As a NASA Faculty Fellow, Professor Miloshevsky will spend 10-weeks during 2018 summer in Huntsville, Alabama working closely with NASA collaborators on the cutting-edge research project related to the electron deposition and charging analysis for the Europa Lander deorbit stage. More...

Dr. Prasoon Diwakar and Prof. Ahmed Hassanein developed a minimally invasive technique that may help doctors better explore and treat cancerous cells, tissues and tumors without affecting nearby healthy cells PLASMAT - Plasma Technologies for a Healthier Tomorrow. More...

Associate Professor Gennady Miloshevsky is awarded a three-year $450,000 grant with optional extension for two more years from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) (U.S. Department of Defense).

New national awards (11 in total in just last two months) were given to our CMUXE Students for work funded by PIRE project. More...

CMUXE undergraduate student Jason Becker won the Innovations in Fuel Cycle Research Awards for the 2016. More...

Purdue University Board of Trustees confirmed the promotion of Prof. Hassanein to the Distinguished Professorship Rank. More...

Dr. Prasoon Diwakar granted patent for "Method and apparatus for aerosol analysis using optical spectroscopy". More...

Professor Ahmed Hassanein named as a fellow of American Physical Society (APS). More...

CMUXE undergraduate students Jason Becker and Patrick Skrodzki won poster award at 8th International Conference on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy . More...

Professor Ahmed Hassanein named as a fellow of Optical Society of America.

Dr. Prasoon Diwakar, Justin Freeman, and Nicole Lahaye are selected for the Society of Applied Spectroscopy Early Career Researcher Award. More...

Tatyana Sizyuk Elected to IEEE Executive Committee of the NPSS. More...

CMUXE graduate student TJ Novakowski received three-year NEUP graduate fellowship. More...

CMUXE graduate student Amina Hussein awarded SPIE optics and photonics education scholarship. More...

CMUXE article has been selected for Physics of Plasmas Editor's choice 2012. More...

Justin Freeman received the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) Graduate Scholarship Award. More...

Professor Hassanein receives the 2013 IEEE prestigious Merit Award. More...

Purdue�PIRE Project holds first meeting on Jan. 28, 2013. More...

Justin Freeman won the FACSS graduate student poster award (2012 SciX conference, Kansas City). More...

Peter deVietien won the FACSS undergraduate student poster award (2012 SciX conference, Kansas City). More...

Prof. Hassanein has been elected as a fellow of ANS. More...

Brandon Verhoff won best material science paper award�at the annual ANS Student Conference held in Las Vegas (April 2012)�

Professor Ahmed Hassanein has been elected as a fellow of IEEE. More...

Professor Valeryi Sizyuk has been elected as a senior Member of SPIE. More...

Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry latest issue (July 2011) cover page features CMUXE results. More...

Purdue University & CMUXE hosted ICOPS 2011. More...

Professor Ahmed Hassanein has been awarded the distinction of Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Professor Ahmed Hassanein has been named a Fellow of SPIE for his acheivements in the development of EUV light soruces for lithography More...

Nuclear fusion research key to advancing computer chips. More...



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