IMPORTANT: Sign up for the PurdueThesis mailing list to learn of updates to PurdueThesis. You must be signed up for this mailing list to get support for this software. This software is not supported by Overleaf—don't contact them about it.
IMPORTANT: This software is only supported using TeX Live (it supports Linux, MacOS, Windows, and Unix). Overleaf uses TeX Live.
The Puthesis LaTeX documentclass is obsolete. The Purdue Graduate School no longer accepts theses using it. Use this PurdueThesis LaTeX document class from now on. PurdueThesis is abbreviated “PuTh” and pronounced “pooth” (rhymes with “tooth”). Purdue's puthesis software was renamed to PurdueThesis so it would not be confused with Princeton University's puthesis software.
PurdueThesis can be used for
For historical reasons, to use the same nomenclature as other Purdue departments, and be able to lump instructions describing master's bypass reports, master's theses, PhD dissertations, and PhD preliminary reports together the word “thesis” will be used to refer to all of these. The term “bypass report” will be used to refer to things that are master's bypass report specific, “dissertation” to refer to things that are dissertation specific, and “prelim report” to refer to things that are PhD preliminary report specific.
Purdue's Thesis and Dissertation Office recommends it.
Thousands of people have graduated using it. You won't need to “reinvent the wheel.”
All formatting details are done automatically, you can concentrate on the content of your thesis instead of worrying about margins, typefaces, etc.
It is especially convenient for typesetting mathematics.
Many people think it produces more attractive output than other systems.
Some (especially engineering, mathematics, and science) journals use LaTeX. You may be able to cut large chunks out of your thesis, change a few lines at the top of the resulting file, and send that to a journal.
Using LaTeX and BibTeX is very common in the scientific community. Sooner or later you may need to learn it anyway.
The PurdueThesis class file for LaTeX has helped hundreds
of ECE graduate students meet the requirements
for format approval.
Using it allows them to focus on the content
of their thesis without concern for the myriad of formatting details
that it automatically handles.
The Graduate School's Thesis/Dissertation Office also recommends the use
of PurdueThesis
and LaTeX.
—Andy Hughes, former ECE Thesis Format Advisor
Many candidates have made favorable comments about PurdueThesis when depositing their theses.
We strongly recommend candidates consider learning PurdueThesis prior
to the writing process.
Using PurdueThesis cuts formatting discrepancies to almost zero,
drastically reduces the possibility of revision requests,
and helps ensure stress-free deposits!
—Mark D. Jaeger, former Manager, Thesis/Dissertation Office
PurdueThesis has played an instrumental part in decreasing the number
of revisions that are asked of depositors.
Over 75%
of PurdueThesis users pass formatting without any revision requests,
which reduces student stress at deposit time.
Our staff highly recommends PurdueThesis as a prelim
and final thesis tool as it allows students to focus more on the content of their thesis
and less on the formatting.
—Ashlee Mesersmith, MS, Manager, Thesis/Dissertation Office
October 17, 2024: I'm in the process of installing a new Overleaf template now. You'll need access to LaTeX. Purdue's Thesis and Dissertation Office recommends using Overleaf if you use LaTeX. To get started go to the PurdueThesis documentclass template and click “Open as Template”. Please take note that Overleaf SHOULD NOT be used for writing, editing, or publishing documents or research papers that contain data subject to EAR, ITAR, DFARS Clause 252.204-7012, and other controlled data designators due to the increased security required for these types of data.
If you don't want to run LaTeX over the web using Overleaf, LaTeX may already be installed on your computer.
The template-2024-10-16.zip file contains all the files for the PurdueThesis template. This .zip file unzips into the current directory—be careful!
Merriam-Webster dictionary
Dissertation advice (both of these are short, please read them)
Dissertation Advice,
Olin Shivers
How To Write A Dissertation,
Douglas E. Comer
(none listed yet)
doi2bib, look up BibTeX information for a DOI.
The LaTeX Project,
LaTeX news.
run LaTeX on the web.
Some TeX Developments, learn of new TeX/LaTeX developments.
TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange,
LaTeX questions and answers
TeX Live,
TeX and Latex software for
Linux, MacOS, Windows, and Unix.
TeX and Typography,
LaTeX and typography tweets.
TeX Users Group, follow on twitter to learn of new versions of LaTeX packages.
Style manual
Chicago Manual of Style (for writing English)
Mathematical Writing
See thesis.pdf.
Follow the instructions in How to Get LaTeX Help. Overleaf does not support this software—do not contact them.