Internet Systems Lab (ISL)

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Lab News:

December 2021: Professor Rao elevated to ACM Distinguished Member.

November 2021: Our paper, Xatu: Richer Neural Network Based Prediction for Video Streaming was accepted at ACM Sigmetrics 2022.

August 2021: Our paper, Chimera: exploiting UAS flight path information to optimize heterogeneous data transmission was accepted at IEEE ICNP 2021.

July 2021: Russ Shirey defends his Ph.D thesis, and will be joining a US Government Agency. Congratulations, Dr. Shirey!

April 2021: Our paper, Hey Lumi! Using Natural Language for Intent-Based Network Management was accepted at Usenix ATC 2021.

August 2020: Our paper, Pitfalls of data-driven networking: A case study of latent causal confounders in video streaming was presented at ACM SIGCOMM 2020 Workshop on Network Meets AI & ML (NetAI 2020).

August 2020: Our paper, PCF: Provably Resilient Flexible Routing was presented at ACM SIGCOMM 2020.

August 2020: NSF grant awarded on Next Generation Multi-Perspective Video Delivery at Internet Scale

May 2020: Yun deposits his Ph.D thesis on Characterizing and Optimizing Internet Video Streaming, and will be taking up a position at Google, Mountain View. Congratulations, Dr. Nam!

February 2020: Our paper, Exploring the interplay between CDN caching and video streaming performance was featured in an internal Cisco blog. (link).

August 2019: NSF grant awarded on Designing Networks for Stringent Performance Requirements

July 2019: Yiyang deposits his Ph.D thesis on Ensuring Network Designs meet Performance Requirements under Failures, and will be taking up a position at ByteDance, Seattle. Congratulations, Dr. Chang!

May 2019: Sanjay gives a research seminar at RISELab, Berkeley, on work done by Purdue ISL

October 2018: Our paper, Understanding Video Management Planes was presented at ACM IMC, 2018 [PDF]. Congratulations, Yun!

August 2018: NSF grant awarded on Optimizing Internet video through support from the network edge

August 2018: NSF Formal Methods in the Field grant awarded on Transplanting Syntax-Guided Synthesis to Computer Networks

July 2018: Sanjay gives an invited talk on work done by ISL on mobile web latency at the Microsoft Research workshop "At the bleeding edge of Intelligent Edges"

August 2018: Our paper, Oboe: Auto-tuning video ABR algorithms to network conditions was presented at ACM SIGCOMM, 2018 [PDF]. Congratulations, Yun!

October 2017: Our paper, NutShell: Scalable Whittled Proxy Execution for Low-Latency Web over Cellular Networks presented at ACM MOBICOM, 2017 [PDF]. Congratulations, Ashiwan, Chuan and Yun!

March 2017: Our paper, Robust validation of network designs under uncertain demands and failures presented at USENIX NSDI, 2017 [PDF]. Congratulations, Yiyang!

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