Week 6 - Knowledge Representation, Inferencing, Knowledge Engineering and CLIPS


Prepare a brief (paragraph or so) description/proposal describing what you plan to do for the term project. Email this to me by Friday of week 6 or turn in a paper copy by Friday of week 6.

Review this document.

Read Chapters 3 (Methods of Inference) and 7 (Introduction to CLIPS) in the text "Expert Systems: Principles and Programming."

To try clips commands you read about in Chapter 7, type clips from the UNIX prompt on pasture or one of its workstations. Typing (exit) from the CLIPS prompt will exit CLIPS and return you to the UNIX prompt.

Important Terms and Concepts:

Follow this link to learn more about the steps commonly followed in the development of expert systems. Compare and contrast these with the model development steps and the methodology of systems analysis.

The ES development stages and brief overviews of the important issues for each stage/step are described in the following sections.

Knowledge acquisition continues to be a bottleneck in the development of ES. Learn more about recommended approaches to knowledge acquisition. A few notes concerning knowledge acquisition are also available.

Knowledge representation and reasoning notes should be examined.

ES Development Stages

  1. Identification
  2. Conceptualization
  3. Formalization
  4. Implementation
  5. Testing






Knowledge Acquisition

Knowledge Acquisition Techniques

Domain Selection

Representation and Reasoning

Rule-Based Systems

Pattern Matching in a Forward Chaining System

IF condition
THEN consequent (or action).

IF the volume of a ?product-container is less than a specified
THEN increase the fill volume.

IF the ?sensor is dead,
THEN inspect ?sensor.

Forward Chaining Example

     the volume of item29 is 21
     the volume of item17 is 18
     the temperature of item23 is -5

       IF the volume of ?item is < 20,
       THEN the fill amount of ?item should be increased

Parameter Driven Systems

Decision Trees

Reasoning With Uncertainty

Object-Based Systems


Inheritance example
Charlotte is a member of the Landshire class.
Landshire is a member of the swine class.
An attribute of swine is the existence of a curly tail.

Through inheritance, Charlotte has a curly tail.
Hybrid knowledge-based systems might combine frames and rules.

Object-Oriented Programming

object - any data structure that has a symbolic name

messages - requests between objects

Truth Maintenance