Knowledge Acquisition
Information presented in this module is largely
summarized from:
Jones, P.H. 1989. Knowledge Acquisition. In: Barrett, J.R.
and D.D. Jones. Knowledge Engineering in Agriculture.
ASAE Monograph No. 8, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
Knowledge acquisition is the process of extracting, structuring
and organizing knowledge from one source, usually human experts,
so it can be used in software such as an ES.
This is often the major obstacle in building an ES.
There are three main topic areas central to knowledge acquisition
that require consideration in all ES projects.
First, the domain must be evaluated to determine if the type
of knowledge in the domain is suitable for an ES.
Second, the source of expertise must be identified
and evaluated to ensure that the specific level
of knowledge required by the project is provided.
Third, if the major source of expertise is a person, the specific
knowledge acquisition techniques and participants need to be
Theoretical Considerations
An ES attempts to replicate in software the
abilities of human experts who are distinctive because
of their particular knowledge and specialized intelligence.
ES should be heuristic and readily distinguishable from
algorithmic programs and databases.
Further, ES should be based on expert knowledge, not just
competent or skillful behavior.
Several domain features are frequently listed
for consideration in determining whether an ES is appropriate
for a particular problem domain.
Several of these caveats relate directly to knowledge
First, bona fide experts, people with generally acknowledge
expertise in the domain, must exist.
Second, there must be general consensus among experts about
the accuracy of solutions in a domain. Third, experts
in the domain must be able to communicate the details
of their problem solving methods.
Fourth, the domain should be narrow and well defined
and solutions within the domain must not require common sense.
Although an ES knowledge base can be developed from a range
of sources such as textbooks, manuals and simulation models,
the knowledge at the core of a well developed ES comes
from human experts.
Although multiple experts can be used, the ideal ES should
be based on the knowledge of a single expert.
In light of the pivotal role of the expert, caveats for choosing
domain expert are not surprising. First, the expert should
agree with the goals of the project.
Second, the expert should be cooperative and easy to work with.
Third, good verbal communication skills are needed.
Fourth, the expert must be willing and able to make
the required time commitment (there must also be adequate
administrative/managerial support for this too).
Knowledge Acquisition Technique
At the heart of the process is the interview.
The heuristic model of the domain is usually
extracted through a series of intense, systematic
interviews, usually extending over a period
of many months. Note that this assumes the expert
and the knowledge engineer are not the same person.
It is generally best that the expert and the knowledge
engineer not be the same person since the deeper the experts'
knowledge, the less able they are in describing their logic.
Furthermore, in their efforts to describe their procedures,
experts tend to rationalize their knowledge and this can be
General suggestions about the knowledge acquisition process
are summarized in rough chronological order below:
Observe the person solving real problems.
Through discussions, identify the kinds of data, knowledge
and procedures required to solve different types of problems.
Build scenarios with the expert that can be associated
with different problem types.
Have the expert solve a series of problems verbally and ask
the rationale behind each step.
Develop rules based on the interviews and solve the problems
with them.
Have the expert review the rules and the general
problem solving procedure.
Compare the responses of outside experts to a set of scenarios
obtained from the project's expert and the ES.
Note that most of these procedures require a close
working relationship between the knowledge engineer
and the expert.
Practical Considerations
The preceding section provided an idealized version
of how ES projects might be conducted.
In most instances, the above suggestions are considered
and modified to suit the particular project.
The remainder of this section will describe
a range of knowledge acquisition techniques that
have been successfully used in the development of ES.
Operational Goals
After an evaluation of the problem domain shows that
an ES solution is appropriate and feasible, then
realistic goals for the project can be formulated.
An ES's operational goals should define exactly
what level of expertise its final product should be able to
who the expected user is and how the product
is to be delivered.
If participants do not have a shared concept of the project's
operational goals, knowledge acquisition is hampered.
Pre-training the knowledge engineer about the domain can be
In the past, knowledge engineers have often been unfamiliar
with the domain. As a result, the development process was
greatly hindered.
If a knowledge engineer has limited knowledge of the problem
domain, then pre-training in the domain is very important
and can significantly boost the early development of the ES.
Knowledge Document
Once development begins on the knowledge base, the process
should be well documented.
In addition to tutorial a document, a knowledge document that
succinctly state the project's current knowledge base should be
Conventions should be established for the document such
as keeping the rules in quasi-English format, using standard
domain jargon, giving descriptive names to the rules
and including supplementary, explanatory clauses with each rule.
The rules should be grouped into natural subdivisions and the
entire document should be kept current.
An early goal of knowledge acquisition should be the development
of a series of well developed scenarios that fully describe
the kinds of procedures that the expert goes through in arriving
at different solutions.
If reasonably complete case studies do not exist,
then one goal of pre-training should be to become so
familiar with the domain that the interviewer can compose
scenarios. Anecdotal stories that can be developed into
scenarios are especially useful because they are often examples
of unusual interactions at the edges of the domain.
Familiarity with several realistic scenarios can be essential
to understanding the expert in early interviews and the key
to structuring later interviews.
Finally, they are ultimately necessary for validation of the
Experts are usually busy people and interviews held in the
expert's work environment are likely to be interrupted.
To maximize access to the expert and minimize interruptions it
can be helpful to hold meetings away from the expert's workplace.
Another possibility is to hold meetings after work hours
and on weekends.
At least initially, audiotape recordings ought to be made
of the interviews because often times notes taken during
an interview can be incomplete or suggest inconsistencies that
can be clarified by listening to the tape.
The knowledge engineer should also be alert to fatigue
and limit interviews accordingly.
In early interviews, the format should be unstructured in the
sense that discussion can take its own course.
The knowledge engineer should resist the temptation
to impose personal biases on what the expert is saying.
During early discussions, experts are often asked to describe
the tasks encountered in the domain and to go
through example tasks explaining each step.
An alternative or supplemental approach is simply
to observe the expert on the job solving problems without
or to have the expert talk aloud during performance
of a task with or without interruption.
These procedures are variations of protocol analysis
and are useful only with experts that primarily use
verbal thought processes to solve domain problems.
For shorter term projects, initial interviews can be formalized
to simplify rapid prototyping. One such technique is a
structured interview in which the expert is asked to list
the variables considered when making a decision. Next the expert
is asked to list possible outcomes (solutions) from decision
Finally, the expert is asked to connect variables to one another,
solutions to one another and variables to solutions through
A second technique is called twenty questions.
With this technique, the knowledge engineer develops several
scenarios typical of the domain before the interview.
At the beginning of the interview, the expert asks whatever
are necessary to understand the scenario well enough
to determine the solution.
Once the expert begins the questions, the expert is asked
to explain why each question is asked.
When the interviewer perceives a rule, he interrupts
and restates the rule to ensure that it is correct.
A third technique is card sorting. In this procedure, the
knowledge engineer prepares a stack of cards with typical
solutions to problems in the domain.
The expert is asked to sort the cards according to some
characteristic important to finding solutions to the problem.
After each sort, the expert is asked to identify the sorting
variable. After each sort, the expert is asked to
repeat the process based on another variable. Note that
this technique is usually not as effective as the 2 previous.
In large projects, later interviews cannot be expected
to be as productive as early interviews.
Typically, later interviews should become increasingly structured
and follow a cyclical pattern where bits of knowledge
are elicited, documented and tested.
During this phase of knowledge acquisition, the interviewer
must begin methodically to uncover the more subtle aspects
of the knowledge. Typically, this process is based on scenarios.
By modifying the scenarios in different ways, the interviewer
can probe the expert's sensitivity.
During interviews, it may be helpful to work at a whiteboard
to flexibly record and order the exact phraseology of rules
or other representations.
It may also be helpful to establish recording conventions for
use such as color coding different aspects of a rule and using
flags to note and defer consideration of significant
but peripheral details.
Structured interviews should direct the course of a meeting
to accomplish specific goals defined in advance.
For instance, once a prototypic knowledge
base is developed, the expert can be asked to evaluate
it line by line.
Other less obvious structures can be imposed
on interviews, such as asking the expert to perform a task
with limited information or during a limited period of time.
Even these structured interviews can deviate from the
session's intended goals.
Sometimes such deviations show subtleties in the expert's
procedures and at other times the interview simply
becomes sidetracked, requiring the knowledge engineer to
redirect the session.
When specific information is needed, a questionnaire can
sometimes be used effectively. Questionnaires are generally
used in combination with other techniques such as interviews.
Decision Trees
Decision trees are widely recognized to be useful tools for the
knowledge engineer in prototyping knowledge representations.
In addition, they can be useful in knowledge acquisition
on several different levels.
Some knowledge engineers have found that experts
can more readily relate to decision trees than rules.
Rule Development
Although complex representation techniques might eventually
be used, rules are generally easier to use for characterizing
knowledge during knowledge acquisition.
Prototypic rules should be developed as soon
as possible to serve as a focal point for directing
the course of the knowledge acquisition process.
The initial knowledge base can be developed from written
materials or from example cases described by the expert
during early unstructured interviews.
Initial rules should be treated as approximations
and their wording should be general to avoid pressuring the
As additional cases are described during interviews, the rule
base can be expanded.
Once a stable rule base begins to develop, it can provide
feedback for structuring interviews.
Initially the rules and procedures can be traced through by hand
with the expert considering each step.
The same pattern of tracing through rules should continue
once a version of the knowledge base is developed on a computer
and it frequent use should become part of the process.
Recognition of the central role of knowledge acquisition in the
development of ES is an unavoidable prerequisite for any
knowledge engineering project. If domains are defined and
experts chosen with this in mind,
a project's chances for success will be greatly increased.
Once an appropriate domain is identified and a cooperative,
available expert with the necessary stamina is found, then the
practical approaches to knowledge acquisition outlined
should be of help.
There are several points that deserve to be emphasized:
Projects need to be well planned. The knowledge engineer
has the responsibility initially to define explicit operational
goals that are consistent with the resources available to a
Early in the interview process, the purpose of the project
and the roles of the participants should be carefully discussed.
The discussion should lead to a consensus opinion on what is
in a final product, who its users should be and how it should
be delivered. As the project develops, the operational goals
should be consciously reconsidered on a regular basis.
The knowledge acquisition process should be carefully
planned to match the requirements of the project's
domain expert. For example, time lines that allow
for the necessary pre-training, unstructured interviewing
and the structured interview phases can be developed.
Documentation procedures to be used during
the project should be defined.
Specific interviews or knowledge gathering events
should be planned to accomplish specific goals.
In pre-training, the goal might be to identify
several realistic scenarios and during the first
unstructured interviews one goal might be to develop
a glossary of the expert's terminology.
Later, the goals might be to obtain specific bits
of information to explain apparent discrepancies.
In planning individual interviews, the knowledge engineer
should try to get explicit feedback.
Regardless of its size or the intended application,
the knowledge acquisition process cannot be avoided.
Recognition of this is the first step
toward the successful development of a functional ES.