CMSC 635: Advanced Computer Graphics

Tentative Course Calendar

Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department
University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Spring 1999

Course Schedule

Week Date Topics Chapter Lab
1 Feb. 1 Introduction; overview; 1
Feb. 3 view pipeline review. illumination review  
2 Feb. 8 Hidden Surface Removal
Characterization, Coherence, HSR - Image Space Techniques
A-buffer paper
Feb. 10 HSR - Start of Object Space Techniques   Initial Lab4 proposals
due Feb. 12
3 Feb. 15 Finish HSR, Intro to Edge,
Illumination and Lighting
Feb. 17 Illumination and Lighting
Local Illumination models, shading
Cook & Torrence
Lab 1 : advanced illumination
4 Feb. 22 Advanced Illumination:
Light Characteristics, Cook-Torrance
2.6, 5,
Oren & Nayer
Feb. 24 Transparency
Intro Shadow Generation
5 Mar. 1 Shadow Generation:
Shadow edges, polygons, volumes,
Intro Radiosity
11 Lab 4: Proposal Due
Mar. 3 Radiosity
Intro Global Illumination
6 Mar. 8 Global Illumination: radiosity, raytracing, rendering equation  12
Mar. 10 Review for Midterm
7 Mar. 15 Progress Reports;
No Class
Lab1 Due
Mar. 17 Midterm  
8 Mar. 29 Review Midterm
Texture Mapping: Introduction
6 Lab 2 Assigned: Texture Mapping
  Mar. 31 Texture mapping 6, Heckbert
9 Apr. 5 pre-integrated texture mapping : mip-mapping and summed area tables Lab4 Initial Report Due
  Apr. 7 Bump mapping; Environmental, 2D Procedural Texturing 7, 7.2,
10  Apr. 12 Solid Texturing: Introduction 7, 7.2,
Perlin, Peachey
Jacobs, Wheatley
Apr. 14 Noise and Stochastic 3D textures
Lab 2 Due 4/16
Assign Lab 3: Procedural Techniques
Rhudy, Morris
11 Apr. 19 Noise and turbulence
Ebert, Gardner,
Su - missed
Apr. 21 Short class because of Perlin's visit Lab 4 Progress Reports due 4/22
12 Apr. 26 Aliasing: Fundamentals, sampling and Fourier Synthesis, Anti-Aliasing Techniques: filtering, supersampling, stochastic techniques 4.1, 4.2, Cook's paper, Blinn's tutorial
Eller, Mager
Apr. 28 Anti-Aliasing: ray tracing, texture mapping, color, time 4.3-4.5 Cunningham, Tracy, Su
13 May 3 Procedural Techniques: Modeling 7.1, 7.3 Gee, Romano
May 5 Procedural Modeling, L-systems, Particle Systems, Fractals 14.1, 7.4, 7.5 Lab 3 Due 5/7
Wan, Rowley
14 May 10 Review, Student Presentations  
May 12 Final Student Presentations   Lab 4 Due
15  May 17 Final Exam 3:30 -5:30pm  

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