YCxCz Fidelity Metrics: A Matlab Software Package
for Implementing YCxCz based
Image Fidelity Metrics
Charles A. Bouman
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1285
YCxCz Fidelity Metrics Software:
Download package
This is a Matlab package for computing two fidelity metrics
based on the YCxCz color transformation.
One quality metric is based on a non-linear transformation
to an Lab-like space, and the other transform is based
on a linearized Lab space. Both metrics incoporate a
modulation transfer function for the human visual system.
Slides Describing YCxCz Fidelity Metrics:
Download slides
Course slides from EE637 that describe the "theory" of the YCxCz fidelity metric.