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How To Get Started

SAMPLEX and example images are available for demonstration. SAMPLEX was compiled on Solaris 2.3. It is also available for Silicon Graphics using IRIX by requesting it from Dr. C.J. Précetti.

To retrieve a demonstration copy for Solaris 2.3 by anonymous ftp use the following commands:

ftp pasture.ecn.purdue.edu
login: anonymous
passwd: your_login
cd pub/pioneer/samplex
get samplex
or use the Mosaic FTP here.
This should bring SAMPLEX, xpseudo (a classified image display), and 3 example images.

Figure 1: Image 1- 512x220 Indiana corn
Seed corn on a conveyor belt. This image was taken at Pioneer Hi-Bred International plant in Flora, In.

Figure 2: Image 2- 375x282 Pork chop
Pork chop image taken in the Meat Science Department.

Figure 3: Image 3- 311-321 Candy
Colored candy used for high-school demonstration of color classification.

The images are in raw rgb format: three separate files containing the R (image.r), G (image.g), and B (image.b) color bands.

Tutorial on the RGB color space: get a feel for the different color spaces.

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