Videos and Images


Andersen, Daniel & Rojas-Muñoz, Edgar. “See-What-I-Do: Increasing Mentor and Trainee Sense of Co-Presence in Trauma Surgeries with the STAR Platform” International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, FL. Jan 2017. Department of Defense Sponsored Projects Demos.

Andersen, Daniel. “STAR: Using Augmented Reality Transparent Displays for Surgical Telementoring.” Eskenazi Health 22nd Annual Trauma & Surgical Critical Care Symposium. Indianapolis, IN. 16 Oct 2015. Conference Presentation.

Andersen, Daniel & Rojas-Muñoz, Edgar. “STAR – A System for Telementoring with Augmented Reality.” International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA. Jan 2016. Department of Defense Sponsored Projects Demos.


Demonstration of STAR using the Microsoft HoloLens in an austere setting:

Demonstration of surgical telementoring using the Microsoft HoloLens:



Demonstration of a prototype of the STAR mentor system, using a full-size interaction table. Developed and narrated by Edgar Munoz:

Videos of an early prototype of the STAR system (August 2014) used at an ATOM surgical training course:


Concept image of trainee scene: overall view (left) and view from the trainee’s perspective (right).


Projection Table

Concept image of mentor system: projection table with gesture-based controls to allow an expert surgeon to provide expert guidance.


side by side

Out current tablet system on the trainee side, as of December 2014. Left: overall view. Right: View from the perspective of the trainee user.



A diagram showing the general system architecture and networking capabilities of our tablet system.


mentor screen

Our mentor tablet system, as of December 2014. Left: A mentor uses a touch-based UI to create annotations to be sent to the trainee. Right: the UI


hand gestures

Examples of annotations mentor surgeons can provide when using our system: points, lines, loops, icons of surgical instruments, textual labels, and icons for hand gestures.