Purdue University


Problem-Driven Computational Materials Research

Team Philosophy

Our research is organized around the problems that you will find below. Our expertise lies in using computational methods to design and characterize organic molecules, materials, and reactions. A small team of students and postdocs works on each problem and the problems cycle over time as we generate new ideas, perceive a need, or conclude our studies. We use an array of methodologies and actively extend or invent new approaches as required by each problem. Combined with some of the best graduate students and postdocs on the planet, these ingredients create an extremely productive, cross-cutting, and creative research atmosphere. If you are interested in any of these problems, would like to collaborate with the group, or are interested in joining the group, please reach out to Brett.

All the images on this page have been generated by the marvelous DALL-E text-to-image generation model. The associated prompts are shown the description of each problem.
