Purdue Seal
Tong Shen
Student of ME
About Me
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M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 9.2016 - Present
B.S. Technique of Control and Instruments of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 9.2012 - 6.2016

Current Conc:

Imaging systems, Image/signal Processing

Engineering Optics



Tao Liu, Tong Shen, S. Yang and Z. Jiang, "Subwavelength Focusing by Binary Multi-annular Plates: Design Theory and Experiment",
Journal of Optics, 2040-8986, Feb. 2015

Course Work:

ME 588: Mechatronics
ECE 637: Advanced Digital Image Processing
STAT 511: Statistical Methods
Coursera: Algorithms

ME 587: Engineering Optics
ME 581: Numerical Method
MA 527: Engineering Mathematics

Previous Work Experience

04/2015 - 07/2015 Xi'an Huateng Internet of Things Co., Ltd., Xi'an, China, Junior Hardware Designer

Working on the device and system design based on circuit design and signal processing using C;
Products are reviewed, tested and perfected, some of them were on sale in the end

07/2014 - 09/2014 NCS Testing Tech Co., Ltd., Beijing, China, Inspector and Quality Controller

Design mechanisms to test the quality of products; Engineering drawings using SolidWorks
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