Purdue Seal
Mohamadreza Moini
Graduate Research Assistant
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About Me

I am interested in development of resilient and sustainable infrastructure materials. My current research focuses on design and fabrication of architectured materials

via additive manufacturing techniques, and understanding of rheological characteristics of colloidal suspensions for printing applications. The main objectives of my

research is to develop resilient, durable, and sustainable infrastructure materials. My research encompasses control of the materials microstructure at nano scale,

promoting damage mechanisms at micro scale, and control of the architecture at meso and macro scale.

Other areas of my research are focused on nano-engineering of cement-based materials and development of data-driven machine learning methods to predict the fresh and

hardened properties of materials and improvement of productivity for ready-mix applications. My research findings are featured in various journals including frontispiece

of Advanced Materials and editor's choice section of Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering as well as several science news media channels such as Science 360, ASME,

and Purdue 3-Minute-Thesis (3MT) final talk. I have conducted research projects funded by Wisconsin DOT, Portland Cement Association (PCA), and National Science Foundation (NSF).

Before joining Purdue University, I have served as structural engineer working on the design, analysis, and inspection of bridge and transportation infrastructure at Collins Engineers Inc.

I serve as secretary of ACI 211-0M, and a voting member of ACI 564, 241, 211-0I, and 552 committees.

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