Purdue Seal
Mehdi Shishehbor
Post Doc Research Assistant
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About Me

I received my bachelor degree in Civil Engineering at K.N.Toosi university and then continued my career as a master student in structural Engineering at Sharif University From 2009 to 2011 working on material modeling and simulation. In January 2013 I joined Prof. Pablo Zavattieri's group at Purdue university and finish my PhD in July 2018. The focus of my PhD, under the supervision of Prof. Zavattieri, was developing new modeling approaches to understand the mechanical properties of materials at nano/meso scale and help colleagues with chemistry, material science and mechanical engineering background on the manufacturing side. My main interest is to understand how nature builds materials such as nacre and dactyl club with exceptional mechanical properties and incorporate those principles in engineering and green composites.. I am currently a postdoctoral researcher and working with Prof. Pablo Zavattieri in civil Engineering department at Purdue university.

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Last Updated: 04/15/2019 09:47:44
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