
INDOT seal coat design software "iSeal" was developed as part of the JTRP/SPR-3087: Performance Evaluation of Seal Coat Materials and Designs (Appendix) to aid seal coat design process and incorporate INDOT seal coat practice. Two versions are available, iSeal version 1.0.1*, iSeal Web Version. In addition, iSeal user manual is also available.


Water stripping severity evaluation software "iMoisture" was developed to aid the water stripping severity evaluation. iMoisture detects uncoated aggregates and quantifies the area in a sample by employing the digital image analysis technology. iMoisture version 0.9 is available for download, along with iMoisture user manual.


INDOT pavement subsurface condition evaluation software "iSub" was developed based on the Guidelines of subsurface condition evaluation for pavement preservation. iSub provides user-friendly system which helps to follow the hierarchy of evaluation steps. iSub version 0.9* is available for download, iSub user manual.

*To operate iSeal version 1.0.1 and iSub version 0.9, Adobe Air shoudl be installed. The latest version of Adove Air is available for download from