The Zhao research group is part of the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. Our research theme is focused on mechanics and material chemistry using experimentation and multi-scale modeling approach. Research interests include:

  • Elements of mechanics such as deformation, stress, plasticity, fracture.
  • Elements of electrochemistry such as mass transport, charge transfer, interfacial reaction, and phase transformation.
  • In-situ experiments.
  • Multiscale modeling, first-principles, molecular dynamics, and finite element modeling.
  • Li-ion batteries, Na-ion batteries, all-solid-state batteries.
  • Organic electrochromics, organic electrochemical transistors, superelastic organic semiconductors.

We are grateful for the sponsorship of College of Engineering at Purdue University, ASME, 3M, NSF, ONR, and DOE.

We are grateful for the sponsorship of College of Engineering at Purdue University, ASME, 3M, NSF, and ONR.

    Recent news (more...)

  • Xiaokang and Xixian's long review on mechanics and dynamics of organic mixed ionic-electronic conductors is accepted in Applied Mechanics Reviews. Congratulations!
  • The collaborative work with the Lin group on solid-state interphase is accepted in PNAS. Congratulations to Sameep and Xixian!
  • Xixian's work on molecular understanding of mechanical breathing in organic mixed conductors is accepted in Macromolecules. Congratulations!
  • Dr. Zhao received the A. J. Durelli Award from the Society for Experimental Mechanics! Congratulations!
  • Welcome the new PhD students Jeongok and Zubair to join the group!
  • Dr. Zhao gave a talk on mechanics, heterogeneity, and dynamics of particle network in batteries in a Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters seminar. Recording here.
  • Sameep received a travel grant to attend the 245th ECS meeting in San Francisco! Congratulations to Sameep!
  • Dr. Zhao is appointed a University Faculty Scholar by the provost office! Congratulations!
  • The group received NSF supports to work on chemomechanics of Na-ion batteries and data-driven studies on heterogeneity!
  • Jiaxiu's work on electrochemistry-damage is published in Journal of Power Sources. Congratulations to Jiaxiu and Nikhil!
  • The collaborative work with Dr. Li and Dr. Liu on asynchronous domain dynamics is accepted in Nature Communications. Congratulations to Nikhil!
  • Nikhil successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations to Dr. Sharma!
  • Jiaxiu passed the prelim exam and became a PhD candidate, congratulations to Jiaxiu! Sameep's co-led work on injection induced pain in the skin microenvironment was accepted in EML without any revision! Congratulations to Sameep and Prof. Han's team!
  • Dr. Zhao's course ME597 Solid Mechanics I is offered online in every fall semester. Check out the syllabus.