Arizona State U.Research Topic
Creation of nanoHUB educational content Institution
School of Engineering, Information and Communications University Daejeon 305-714, Rep. of Korea Research Topic
Simulation of Nanoscale Devices Institution
Arizona State U.Research Topic
Simulation of Nanoscale Devices Remark
ETH Zürich, SwitzerlandResearch Topic
NEGF transport with empirical tight binding bandstructure in nanowiresRemark
co-hosted with Mark LundstromInstitution
University of PisaResearch Topic
CNT tranport using NEGFRemark
NCN Researcher in ResidenceInstitution
Arizona State U.Research Topic
Deployment of nanoHUB applicationsRemark
NCN Researcher in ResidenceInstitution
University of PisaResearch Topic
CNT tranport using NEGFRemark
NCN Researcher in Residence