Zhengping Jiang

Journals (12)

  • 49[J257] - [J_2015_XX]

    Robert Andrawis, Jose Bermeo, James Charles, Jianbin Fang, Jim Fonseca, Yu He, Gerhard Klimeck, Zhengping Jiang, Tillmann Kubis, Daniel Mejia, Daniel Lemus, Michael Povolotskyi, Santiago Rubiano, Prasad Sarangapani, Lang Zeng,
    "NEMO5: Achieving High-end Internode Communication for Performance Projection Beyond Moore's Law"



  • 48[J305] - [J_2018_6]

    Daniel Valencia, Evan Wilson, Zhengping Jiang, Gustavo Valencia-Zapata, KuangChung Wang, Gerhard Klimeck, Michael Povolotskyi,
    "Grain-Boundary Resistance in Copper Interconnects: From an Atomistic Model to a Neural Network"
    Physical Review Applied 9 (4), 044005;doi: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.9.0440052018



  • 47[J284] - [J_2016_25]

    Pengyu Long, Jun Huang, Zhengping Jiang, Gerhard Klimeck, Mark Rodwell, Michael Povolotskyi,
    "Performance degradation of superlattice MOSFETs due to scattering in the contacts"
    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 120, 224501, December 2016;doi: 10.1063/1.49713412016



  • 46[J278] - [J_2016_18]

    Yu He, Yaohua Tan, Zhengping Jiang, Michael Povolotskyi, Gerhard Klimeck, Tillmann Kubis,
    "Surface Passivation in Empirical Tight Binding"
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES VOL. 63, Issue: 3, Page(s): 954 - 958, February (2016);doi:10.1109/TED.2016.25190422016



  • 45[J260] - [J_2016_1]

    Zhengping Jiang, Yeqing Lu, Yaohua Tan, Yu H, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Alan Seabaugh, Patrick Fay, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Quantum Transport in AlGaSb/InAs TFETs With Gate Field In-Line With Tunneling Direction"
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 62, Issue: 8, Page(s): 2445 - 2449, AUGUST 2015;doi: 10.1109/TED.2015.24435642016



  • 44[J231] - [J_2015_4]

    Zhengping Jiang, Behtash Behin-Aein, Zoran Krivokapic, Michael Povolotskyi, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Tunneling and Short Channel Effects in Ultrascaled InGaAs Double Gate MOSFETs"
    IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume:62, Issue: 2, Page(s): 525 - 531, Feb. 2015;doi:10.1109/TED.2014.23833922015



  • 43[J225] - [J_2014_17]

    Marcelo Kuroda, Zhengping Jiang, Michael Povolotskyi, Gerhard Klimeck, Dennis Newns, Glenn Martyna,
    "Anisotropic strain in SmSe and SmTe: Implications for electronic transport"
    Phys. Rev. B 90, 245124, Published 15 December 2014;doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.90.2451242014



  • 42[J206] - [J_2014_1]

    Bijesh Rajamohanan, Dheeraj Mohata, Yan Zhu, Mantu Hudait, Zhengping Jiang, Matthew Hollander, Gerhard Klimeck, Suman Datta,
    "Design, fabrication, and analysis of p-channel arsenide/antimonide hetero-junction tunnel transistors"
    Published online 23 January 2014, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 044502 (2014);doi: 10.1063/1.48620422013



  • 41[J195] - [J_2013_6]

    Zhengping Jiang, Marcelo Kuroda, Yaohua Tan, Dennis Newns, Michael Povolotskyi, Timothy Boykin, Tillmann Kubis, Gerhard Klimeck, Glenn Martyna,
    "Electron transport in nano-scaled piezoelectronic devices"
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 193501 (2013);doi:10.1063/1.48046012013



  • 40[J204] - [J_2013_15]

    Jim Fonseca, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, Bozidar Novakovic, A. Ajoy, Ganesh Hegde, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, Parijat Sengupta, Yaohua Tan, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Efficient and realistic device modeling from atomic detail to the nanoscale"
    Journal of Computational Electronics December 2013, Volume 12, Issue 4, pp 592-600;doi:10.1007/s10825-013-0509-02013



  • 39[J187] - [J_2012_14]

    Yaohua Tan, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Yu He, Zhengping Jiang, Gerhard Klimeck, Timothy Boykin,
    "Empirical tight binding parameters for GaAs and MgO with explicit basis through DFT mapping"
    Journal of Computational Electronics, January 2013;doi:10.1007/s10825-013-0436-02013



  • 38[J171] - [J_2012_06]

    Zhengping Jiang, Neerav Kharche, Timothy Boykin, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Effects of Interface Disorder on Valley Splitting in SiGe/Si/SiGe Quantum Wells"
    Applied Physics Letters Vol100 issue10, Mar 6, 2012;doi: 10.1063/1.36921742012



Proceedings (6)

  • 37[P216] - [P_2016_7]

    Daniel Valencia, Evan Wilson, Prasad Sarangapani, Gustavo Valencia-Zapata, Gerhard Klimeck, Michael Povolotskyi, Zhengping Jiang,
    "Grain boundary resistance in nanoscale copper interconnections"
    Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), 20162016



  • 36[P173] - [P_2013_5]

    Zhengping Jiang, Yu He, Guangle Zhou, Tillmann Kubis, Huili Xing, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Atomistic Simulation on Gate-recessed InAs/GaSb TFETs and Performance Benchmark"
    Device Research Conference (DRC),Page(s): 145 - 146, June 2013, Notre Dame, IN, USA;doi: 10.1109/DRC.2013.66338352013



  • 35[P171] - [P_2013_3]

    Seung Park, Neerav Kharche, D. Basu, Zhengping Jiang, Saroj K.Nayak, C. Weber, Ganesh Hegde, K. Haume, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Scaling Effect on Specific Contact Resistivity in Nanoscale Metal-Semiconductor Contacts"
    Device Research Conference (DRC), University of Notre Dame, IN, June 23-26, 2013, Page(s): 125 - 126, and International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), Nara, Japan, June 4-7, 2013;doi: 10.1109/DRC.2013.66338252013



  • 34[P168] - [P_2012_6]

    Jean Sellier, Jim Fonseca, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, Yu He, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, SungGeun Kim, Daniel Mejia, Parijat Sengupta, Yaohua Tan,
    "NEMO5, a Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphysics Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool"
    IEEE SISPAD 2012, pg: 388-391, International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, Denver, CO, Sept. 20122012



  • 33[P138] - [P_2010_11]

    Zhengping Jiang, Neerav Kharche, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Valley Degeneracy in (110) Si Quantum Wells - Strain and Misorientation Effects"
    Proceedings of the International Workshop for Computational Electronics, Pisa, Italy, October 2010;doi:10.1109/IWCE.2010.56779642010



  • 32[P115] - [P_2009_5]

    Sunhee Lee, Hoon Ryu, Zhengping Jiang, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Million Atom Electronic Structure and Device Calculations on Peta-Scale Computers"
    to appear in IEEE proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, May 27-29 2009.Page(s):1-4;doi:10.1109/IWCE.2009.50911172009



Conferences (25)

  • 31[I38] - [I_2018_4]

    Gerhard Klimeck, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, James Fonseca, Bozidar Novakovic, Tarek Ameen, James Charles, ChiYi Chen, Yanchen Chu, Junzhe Geng, Xinchen Guo, Kaspar Haume, Yu He, Ganesh Hegde, Hesam Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, SungGeun Kim, Daniel Lemus, Daniel Mejia, Kai Miao, Samik Mukherjee, Seung Park, Ahmed Reza, Mehdi Salmani, Prasad Sarangapani, Parijat Sengupta, Saima Sharmin, Yaohua Tan, Archana Tankasala, Daniel Valencia, KuangChung Wang, Evan Wilson,
    "NEMO5, a Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphysics Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool From Basic Physics to Real Devices and to Global Impact on nanoHUB.org"
    Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, July 9 2018, Host. Dr. Kwang-Reol Lee2018



  • 30[I37] - [I_2018_3]

    Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, James Fonseca, Bozidar Novakovic, Tarek Ameen, James Charles, ChiYi Chen, Yanchen Chu, Junzhe Geng, Xinchen Guo, Kaspar Haume, Yu He, Ganesh Hegde, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, SungGeun Kim, Daniel Lemus, Daniel Mejia, Kai Miao, Samik Mukherjee, Seung Park, Ahmed Reza, Mehdi Salmani, Prasad Sarangapani, Parijat Sengupta, Saima Sharmin, Yaohua Tan, Archana Tankasala, Daniel Valencia, KuangChung Wang, Evan Wilson,
    "NEMO5, a Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphysics Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool From Basic Physics to Real Devices and to Global Impact on nanoHUB.org"
    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, July 6 2018, Host Prof. Mincheol Shin2018



  • 29[C513] - [C_2016_24]

    Daniel Valencia, Evan Wilson, Prasad Sarangapani, Gustavo Valencia, Gerhard Klimeck, Michael Povolotskyi, Zhengping Jiang,
    "Grain Boundary Resistance in Nanoscale Copper Interconnections"
    International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2016, Nuremberg, Germany, September 6-82016



  • 28[I231] - [I_2015_6]

    Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Fan Chen, Saima Sharmin, Tarek Ameen, Yaohua Tan, Pengyu Long, Jun Huang, Zhengping Jiang, Michael Povolotskyi, Rajib Rahman, Gerhard Klimeck, Joerg Appenzeller, zhihong chen, Patrick Fay, Mark Rodwell,
    "STEEP Transistor Modeling with NEMO5"
    Steep Transistors Workshop, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, October 5-6, 20152015



  • 27[C457] - [C_2015_29]

    Zhengping Jiang, Michael Povolotskyi, Nicolas Onofrio, David Guzman, Daniel Lemus, Santiago Rubiano, Jose Bermeo, Alejandro Strachan, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Multi-Scale Quantum Simulations of Conductive Bridging RAM"
    Oral presentation, 18th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, West Lafayette, Indiana, September 2-4, 20152015



  • 26[S133] - [S_2013_8]

    Gerhard Klimeck, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Jim Fonseca, Bozidar Novakovic, Yu He, Daniel Mejia, Zhengping Jiang, SungGeun Kim, Saumitra Mehrotra,
    "NEMO5, a Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphysics Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool"
    Synopsys, Oct 18, 2013, Host: Dr. Victor Moroz2013



  • 25[C398] - [C_2013_6]

    Zhengping Jiang, Marcelo Kuroda, Yaohua Tan, Dennis Newns, Glenn Martyna, Michael Povolotskyi, Timothy Boykin, Tillmann Kubis, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Tight-Binding Modeling of Intermediate Valence Compound SmSe for Piezoelectronic Devices"
    16th International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), June 2013, Nara, Japan2013



  • 24[C405] - [C_2013_14]

    Ganesh Hegde, Saumitra Mehrotra, Ravi Vedula, Yu He, Yu Wang, Zhengping Jiang, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Jim Fonseca, Alejandro Strachan, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Atomistic Modeling of CBRAM Switching Behavior"
    2013 FAME (Function Accelerated nanoMaterial Engineering) Annual Review, poster presentation, Oct. 15 & 16, 2013, Los Angeles, CA2013



  • 23[I178] - [I_2012_07]

    Gerhard Klimeck, Hoon Ryu, Sunhee Lee, Yui-Hong Tan, Neerav Kharche, Zhengping Jiang, Lloyd Hollenberg, Michelle Simmons, Martin Fuechsle, Bent Weber, Jill Miwa, Suddhasatta Mahapatra, Andrea Morello, Andrew Dzurak,
    "Atomistic, Multi-Scale, Multi-Physics Modeling of Extended Si Quantum Devices – Outreach Opportunities for CQCT"
    CQCT Workshop, Chowder Bay, Sydney, Feb 15-16, 2012.2012



  • 22[C388] - [C_2012_38]

    Jean Sellier, Jim Fonseca, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, Yu He, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, SungGeun Kim, Daniel Mejia, Parijat Sengupta, Yaohua Tan,
    "NEMO5, a Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphysics Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool"
    SISPAD 2012, International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, Denver, CO, Sept. 20122012



  • 21[C386] - [C_2012_36]

    Zhengping Jiang, Yu He, Kai Miao, Yaohua Tan, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Quantum Transport in Tunneling Field Effect Transistors"
    MIND review, student poster, South Bend, IN, Aug. 20122012



  • 20[C385] - [C_2012_35]

    Zhengping Jiang, Yeqing Lu, Yaohua Tan, Yu He, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Alan Seabaugh, Patrick Fay, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Atomistic Simulation of GaSb/InAs Tunneling Field Effect Transistor"
    TECHCON ,September 10-11 2012, Austin TX2012



  • 19[C364] - [C_2012_18]

    Mehdi Salmani-Jelodar, Seung Park, Zhengping Jiang, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Contact-to-channel Resistance Modeling in HEMT Devices"
    MSD review May 2012, Boston. 2012



  • 18[C358] - [C_2012_12]

    Zhengping Jiang, Yu He, Yaohua Tan, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Quantum Transport in GaSb/InAs Nanowire TFET with Semiclassical Charge Density"
    IWCE 2012, May 21-22, 2012, University of Wisconsin - Madison2012



  • 17[I173] - [I_2011_24]

    Gerhard Klimeck, Hoon Ryu, Sunhee Lee, Yui-Hong Tan, Neerav Kharche, Zhengping Jiang, Lloyd Hollenberg, Michelle Simmons, Martin Fuechsle, Bent Weber, Jill Miwa, Suddhasatta Mahapatra, Andrea Morello, Andrew Dzurak,
    "Atomistic, Multi-Scale, Multi-Physics Modeling of Extended Si Quantum Devices"
    Center for Quantum Computing (CQCT) 2011 Annual Workshop, The Seargents Mess, Chowder Bay,Sydney. Feb 15-16, 2011.2011



  • 16[C344] - [C_2011_31]

    Zhengping Jiang, Woo-Suhl Cho, Hong-Hyun Park, Mathieu Luisier, Tillmann Kubis, Gerhard Klimeck, Y. Lu, R. Li, G. Zhou, Alan Seabaugh, Patrick Fay, Supriyo Datta, Dheeraj Mohata, T. Mayer, David Pawlik, Sean Rommel,
    "Atomistic Quantum Transport Modeling in Band-to-band Tunneling Transistors"
    MIND review, student poster, South Bend, IN, Aug. 20112011



  • 15[C343] - [C_2011_30]

    Timothy Boykin, Zhengping Jiang, Neerav Kharche, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Effects of disorder on the valley-splitting in Si/SiGe quantum wells"
    International Workshop on Silicon Quantum Electronics, oral presentation, Denver, CO, Aug. 14-15, 20112011



  • 14[C341] - [C_2011_28]

    Hoon Ryu, Sunhee Lee, Zhengping Jiang, Yui-Hong Tan, Michael Povolotskyi, Neerav Kharche, Mark Eriksson, Timothy Boykin, Gerhard Klimeck, Bent Weber, Martin Fuechsle, Jill Miwa, Suddhasatta Mahapatra, W. Lim, H. Yang, N. Lai, F. Mohiyaddin, Andrea Morello, Andrew Dzurak, Michelle Simmons, Lloyd Hollenberg,
    "Nanoelectronic Modeling (NEMO) for High Fidelity Simulation of Solid-State Quantum Computing Gates"
    NSA / IARPA / ARO Quantum Computing Technology Workshop, Denver, August 11-12, 20112011



  • 13[C306] - [C_2010_30]

    Zhengping Jiang, Neerav Kharche, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Valley Degeneracy in (110) Si Quantum Wells - Strain and Misorientation Effects"
    International Workshop for Computational Electronics, Pisa, Italy, October 20102010



  • 12[C301] - [C_2010_25]

    Zhengping Jiang, Neerav Kharche, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Valley Degeneracy in (110) Si Quantum Wells: Strain and Misorientation Effects"
    International Workshop for Computational Electronics, October 27th-29th,2010, Pisa, Italy2010



  • 11[C287] - [C_2010_11]

    Abhijeet Paul, Saumitra Mehrotra, Zhengping Jiang, Mathieu Luisier, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Modeling of SiGe material for ultra-scaled CMOS device applications"
    MSD, FCRP Annual Review, Student Poster, MIT, Boston, MA, May 5-6, 20102010



  • 10[C251] - [C_2009_9]

    Sunhee Lee, Hoon Ryu, Zhengping Jiang, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Million Atom Electronic Structure and Device Calculations on Peta-Scale Computers"
    13th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, May 27-29 2009; doi:10.1109/IWCE.2009.50911172009



  • 9[C276] - [C_2009_34]

    Hoon Ryu, Gerhard Klimeck, Sunhee Lee, Rajib Rahman, Benjamin Haley, S.H Park, Neerav Kharche, Zhengping Jiang, Timothy Boykin, Cameron. Wellard, Jared Cole, Lloyd Hollenberg, Gabriel Lansbergen, Sven Rogge, Bent Weber, Michelle Simmons,
    "Nanoelectronic Modeling (NEMO) for High Fidelity Simulation of Solid-State Quantum Computing Gates"
    International Symposium on Advanced Nanodevices and Nanotechnology (ISANN), Kaanapali, Maui, Nov. 29-Dec. 4, 2009.2009



  • 8[C262] - [C_2009_20]

    Hoon Ryu, Gerhard Klimeck, Sunhee Lee, Rajib Rahman, Benjamin Haley, S.H Park, Neerav Kharche, Zhengping Jiang, Timothy Boykin, Cameron. Wellard, Jared Cole, Lloyd Hollenberg, Gabriel Lansbergen, Sven Rogge, Bent Weber, Michelle Simmons,
    "Nanoelectronic Modeling (NEMO) for High Fidelity Simulation of Solid-State Quantum Computing Gates"
    Univeristy of California Berkeley, Aug. 24-25, 2009. 2009



Others (6)

  • 7[B6] - [B_2015_1]

    Alan Seabaugh, Zhengping Jiang, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Tunnel transistors"



  • 6[R87] - [R_2012_4]

    Zhengping Jiang, Yu He, Kai Miao, Yaohua Tan, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Quantum Transport in Tunneling Field Effect Transistors"
    Nanoelectronic Research Initiative (NRI) review, MIND center (Midwest Institute for Nanoelectronics Discovery), Notre Dame, Aug. 15, 20122012



  • 5[T3] - [T_2011_1]

    Hoon Ryu, Sunhee Lee, Zhengping Jiang, Yui-Hong Tan, Michael Povolotskyi, Neerav Kharche, Mark Eriksson, Timothy Boykin, Gerhard Klimeck, Bent Weber, Martin Fuechsle, Jill Miwa, Suddhasatta Mahapatra, Wee Lim, H. Yang, N. Lai, F. Mohiyaddin, Andrea Morello, Andrew Dzurak, Michelle Simmons, Lloyd Hollenberg,
    "Nanoelectronic Modeling (NEMO) for High Fidelity Simulation of Solid-State Quantum Computing Gates"
    NSA / IARPA / ARO Quantum Computing Technology Workshop, Denver, August 16-17, 20112011



  • 4[R78] - [R_2011_1]

    Hoon Ryu, Sunhee Lee, Zhengping Jiang, Yui-Hong Tan, Michael Povolotskyi, Neerav Kharche, Mark Eriksson, Timothy Boykin, Gerhard Klimeck, Bent Weber, Martin Fuechsle, Jill Miwa, Suddhasatta Mahapatra, W. Lim, H. Yang, N. Lai, F. Mohiyaddin, Andrea Morello, Andrew Dzurak, Michelle Simmons, Lloyd Hollenberg,
    "Nanoelectronic Modeling (NEMO) for High Fidelity Simulation of Solid-State Quantum Computing Gates"
    NSA / IARPA / ARO Quantum Computing Technology Workshop, Denver, August 11-12, 2011.2011



  • 3[R76] - [R_2010_5]

    Gerhard Klimeck, Hoon Ryu, Sunhee Lee, Rajib Rahman, Seung Park, Neerav Kharche, Zhengping Jiang, Timothy Boykin, Lloyd Hollenberg, Gabriel Lansbergen, Sven Rogge, Bent Weber, Michelle Simmons,
    "Nanoelectronic Modeling (NEMO) for High Fidelity Simulation of Solid-State Quantum Computing Gates"
    NSA / IARPA / ARO Quantum Computing Technology Workshop, Minneapolis, August 19-20, 2010.2010



  • 2[R69] - [R_2009_6]

    Gerhard Klimeck, Hoon Ryu, Sunhee Lee, Rajib Rahman, Benjamin Haley, Seung Park, Neerav Kharche, Zhengping Jiang, Timothy Boykin, Cameron. Wellard, Lloyd Hollenberg, Gabriel Lansbergen, Sven Rogge, Bent Weber, Michelle Simmons,
    "Nanoelectronic Modeling (NEMO) for High Fidelity Simulation of Solid-State Quantum Computing Gates"
    NSA / IARPA / ARO Quantum Computing Technology Workshop, Minneapolis, August 21-22, 2009. 2009



Zhengping Jiang's Pages

Biography Group Publications