Jean Michel Sellier's Biography

Jean Michel Sellier today is a Research Assistant Professor at Purdue University, member of Prof. Klimeck Group.
He is currently part of the NEMO5 team. His main interest is the simulation of Schroedinger equation coupled to Poisson equation in both stationary and transient (time-dependent) regimes. He is currently working on massive parallelization of Schroedinger-Poisson solutions using the Lanczos eigensolver in the aim to understand Single Impurity Devices (Quantum Computers) and Decoherence effects in very small devices.
Jean Michel D. Sellier studied mathematical physics at the University of Catania (Italy). His PhD tutor was one of the most influent mathematical physicist in Italy at that time (A.M. Anile). Jean Michel gained experience during his postdocs at Imperial College London (UK) in Plasma Simulations and at INRIA (Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique), Rocquencourt (France), in Semi-classical Hydrodynamical Electron Transport models. He has also been a Research Associate at Purdue University, IN, USA working with Prof. G. Klimeck.
He holds a “laurea in matematica” magna cum laude and a PhD in Mathematics (simulation of semiconductor devices), both from the University of Catania (Italy).
Jean Michel is the developer of Archimedes and Aeneas, GNU packages, two tools for the design and simulation of semi-classical and mesoscopic semiconductor devices in 2D and 3D respectively.
Jean Michel is the main maintainer of three nanoHUB tools, i.e. Archimedes, 1dhetero and RTDNEGF for Monte Carlo, quantum structures and quantum transport in nano devices.
He is also the expert for Monte Carlo simulations in the nextnano team.
In the following, a list of some simulators implemented and maintained by JM Sellier: