Hoon Ryu's Biography

Hoon Ryu received B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University, Korea in 2002 and his M.S. degree from Stranford Unviersity, CA in 2004. He has worked in the Semiconductor Business, Samsung Electronics Corp as a research engineer and joined the Klimeck research group in July 2006. Hoon's research is focused on the development of softwares for nano-device modeling, with special interest in the improvement of numerical efficiency.
During his tenure in the Klimeck group he is working on the following research projects:
Software Engineering and Development:
- Development of the Self-consistent Poisson-Schroedinger solver as a post-application to the C++ based nanoelectronic modeling tool with 3D spartial decomposition, which is a part of OMEN package.
- Code development to compute optical-matrix for realistic quantum dot systems, as a post-application of the MPI/C++ based NEMO-3D package.
- Code development and its performance optimization to compute Coulomb/Exchange interation with multiple electrons, as a post-application of the MPI/C++ based NEMO-3D package.
- Speed optimization of matrix-vector multiplications in NEMO-3D package with Intel SSE instruction.
Related Research (A quarchart for each project is availabe via links):
- Inverstigation of electronic properties of highly P-doped Si. (Chart is coming soon!)
- Study of optical properties of self-assembled InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot system with realistic dimensions.[C_2008_27]
- Incorporation of Contact Block Reduction with atomisic full band model and verification of its basis-dependent efficiency criteria.[P_2008_13]
- Study of spin blockage phenomena in InGaAs/AlGaAs double dot systems. [J_2008_2]