Ganesh Hegde

Journals (4)

  • 17[J211] - [J_2014_5]

    Ganesh Hegde, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Timothy Boykin, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "An environment-dependent semi-empirical tight binding model suitable for electron transport in bulk metals, metal alloys, metallic interfaces, and metallic nanostructures. I. Model and validation"
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 115, 123703 (2014), published online 25 March 2014;doi: 10.1063/1.48689772014



  • 16[J209] - [J_2014_3]

    Ganesh Hegde, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, James Charles, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "An Environment-dependent Semi-Empirical Tight Binding Model Suitable for Electron Transport in Bulk Metals, Metal Alloys, Metallic Interfaces and Metallic Nanostructures II - Effect of Confinement and Homogeneous Strain on Cu Conductance"
    J. Appl. Phys. 115, 123703 (2014);doi: 10.1063/1.48689772014



  • 15[J204] - [J_2013_15]

    Jim Fonseca, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, Bozidar Novakovic, A. Ajoy, Ganesh Hegde, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, Parijat Sengupta, Yaohua Tan, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Efficient and realistic device modeling from atomic detail to the nanoscale"
    Journal of Computational Electronics December 2013, Volume 12, Issue 4, pp 592-600;doi:10.1007/s10825-013-0509-02013



  • 14[J158] - [J_2011_19]

    Ganesh Hegde, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Role of surface orientation on ALD Al2O3/GaAs interface structure and Fermi level pinning: a DFT study"
    Applied Physics Letters 99, 093508, Published 2 September 2011;doi:10.1063/1.36248972011



Proceedings (5)

  • 13[P171] - [P_2013_3]

    Seung Park, Neerav Kharche, D. Basu, Zhengping Jiang, Saroj K.Nayak, C. Weber, Ganesh Hegde, K. Haume, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Scaling Effect on Specific Contact Resistivity in Nanoscale Metal-Semiconductor Contacts"
    Device Research Conference (DRC), University of Notre Dame, IN, June 23-26, 2013, Page(s): 125 - 126, and International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), Nara, Japan, June 4-7, 2013;doi: 10.1109/DRC.2013.66338252013



  • 12[P147] - [P_2011_5]

    Sebastian Steiger, Michael Povolotskyi, Hong-Hyun Park, Tillmann Kubis, Ganesh Hegde, Benjamin Haley, Mark Rodwell, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "The Nanoelectronic Modeling Tool NEMO 5: Capabilities, Validation, and Application to Sb-Heterostructures"
    proceedings of the IEEE Device Research Conference (DRC), June 20-22 2011;doi:10.1109/DRC.2011.59944042011



  • 11[P152] - [P_2011_10]

    Abhijeet Paul, Kai Miao, Ganesh Hegde, Saumitra Mehrotra, Mathieu Luisier, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Enhancement of thermoelectric efficiency by uniaxial tensile stress in n-type GaAs nanowires"
    proceedings of IEEE nano conference, Portland, Aug, 2011.;doi:978-1-4577-1515-02011



  • 10[P129] - [P_2010_2]

    Mark Rodwell, William Frensley, Sebastian Steiger, E. Chagarov, S. Lee, Hoon Ryu, Y. Tan, Ganesh Hegde, L Wang, J. Law, Timothy Boykin, Gerhard Klimeck, P. Asbeck, A. Kummel, J. Schulman,
    "III-V FET Channel Designs for High Current Densities and Thin Inversion Layers"
    proceedings of Device Research Conference (DRC), 21-23 June 2010, pg. 149 - 152;doi:10.1109/DRC.2010.55518822010



  • 9[P141] - [P_2010_14]

    Ganesh Hegde, Gerhard Klimeck, Alejandro Strachan,
    "First Principles Study of the Energetics of Ideal GaAs Surfaces and Adsorption of Al and O as a Function of Surface Oorientation"
    41st IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, The Catamaran Hotel, San Diego, CA, December 2-4, 20102010



Conferences (8)

  • 8[I38] - [I_2018_4]

    Gerhard Klimeck, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, James Fonseca, Bozidar Novakovic, Tarek Ameen, James Charles, ChiYi Chen, Yanchen Chu, Junzhe Geng, Xinchen Guo, Kaspar Haume, Yu He, Ganesh Hegde, Hesam Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, SungGeun Kim, Daniel Lemus, Daniel Mejia, Kai Miao, Samik Mukherjee, Seung Park, Ahmed Reza, Mehdi Salmani, Prasad Sarangapani, Parijat Sengupta, Saima Sharmin, Yaohua Tan, Archana Tankasala, Daniel Valencia, KuangChung Wang, Evan Wilson,
    "NEMO5, a Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphysics Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool From Basic Physics to Real Devices and to Global Impact on"
    Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, July 9 2018, Host. Dr. Kwang-Reol Lee2018



  • 7[I37] - [I_2018_3]

    Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, James Fonseca, Bozidar Novakovic, Tarek Ameen, James Charles, ChiYi Chen, Yanchen Chu, Junzhe Geng, Xinchen Guo, Kaspar Haume, Yu He, Ganesh Hegde, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, SungGeun Kim, Daniel Lemus, Daniel Mejia, Kai Miao, Samik Mukherjee, Seung Park, Ahmed Reza, Mehdi Salmani, Prasad Sarangapani, Parijat Sengupta, Saima Sharmin, Yaohua Tan, Archana Tankasala, Daniel Valencia, KuangChung Wang, Evan Wilson,
    "NEMO5, a Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphysics Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool From Basic Physics to Real Devices and to Global Impact on"
    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, July 6 2018, Host Prof. Mincheol Shin2018



  • 6[C405] - [C_2013_14]

    Ganesh Hegde, Saumitra Mehrotra, Ravi Vedula, Yu He, Yu Wang, Zhengping Jiang, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Jim Fonseca, Alejandro Strachan, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Atomistic Modeling of CBRAM Switching Behavior"
    2013 FAME (Function Accelerated nanoMaterial Engineering) Annual Review, poster presentation, Oct. 15 & 16, 2013, Los Angeles, CA2013



  • 5[S120] - [S_2011_13]

    Gerhard Klimeck, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Hong-Hyun Park, Sebastian Steiger, Jim Fonseca, Jean Sellier, Seung Park, Yu He, Ganesh Hegde, SungGeun Kim, Mark Rodwell,
    "The Nanoelectronic Modeling Tool NEMO 5: Capabilities, Validation, and Application to Advanced Transistor Structures"
    MSD/FENA Teleseminar Series, Dec. 15 2011.2011



  • 4[I148] - [I_2010_21]

    Sebastian Steiger, Michael Povolotskyi, Hong-Hyun Park, Tillmann Kubis, Ganesh Hegde, Denis Areshkin, Benjamin Haley, Jean Sellier, Mark Rodwell, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "The Nanoelectronic Modeling Tool NEMO5: Capabilities, Validation, and Application to Sb-Heterostructures"
    Device Research Conference (DRC) 2011, Santa Barbara CA2011



  • 3[C318] - [C_2011_9]

    Abhijeet Paul, Kai Miao, Ganesh Hegde, Saumitra Mehrotra, Mathieu Luisier, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Enhancement of thermoelectric efficiency by uniaxial tensile stress in n-type GaAs nanowires"
    2011 IEEE Nanotechnology Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, Aug 15-18, 2011;doi:10.1109/NANO.2011.61445252011



  • 2[I143] - [I_2010_16]

    Mark Rodwell, William Frensley, Sebastian Steiger, E. Chagarov, S. Lee, Hoon Ryu, Y. Tan, Ganesh Hegde, L Wang, J. Law, Timothy Boykin, Gerhard Klimeck, P. Asbeck, A. Kummel, J. Schulman,
    "III-V FET Channel Designs for High Current Densities and Thin Inversion Layers"
    Device Research Conference (DRC), 21-23 June 20102010



  • 1[C307] - [C_2010_31]

    Ganesh Hegde, Gerhard Klimeck, Alejandro Strachan,
    "First Principles Study of the Energetics of Ideal GaAs Surfaces and Adsorption of Al and O as a Function of Surface Oorientation"
    41st IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, The Catamaran Hotel, San Diego, CA, December 2-4, 20102010



Others (0)

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