Ganesh Hegde's Biography
Ganesh Hegde received his Bachelors degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Pune, India in 2005. From 2005 to 2007, he worked at AirTight Networks, Inc, where he developed software for the products that AirTight was creating for Wireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention. This stint was followed by a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering at Purdue University in the Klimeck Group. For his Master’s thesis, he worked on generating and optimizing Tight Binding (TB) parameters for different semiconducting materials at different temperatures. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D in Electrical engineering at Purdue jointly under Gerhard Klimeck and Alejandro Strachan. His immediate focus is on studying the energetics and electronic structure of III-V/Oxide interfaces that arise in III-V CMOS devices. His interests can broadly be classified as being in materials issues in electronic devices, particularly those involving defects and their characterization via modeling.
For an overview of the projects Ganesh has worked on in the past few years please click on any of the following links - III-V/Oxide interfaces-1 Tight Binding using Genetic Algorithms Atomic Structure of InGaAs QD's Rappture based optimization