Daniel Mejia

Journals (5)

  • 21[J257] - [J_2015_XX]

    Robert Andrawis, Jose Bermeo, James Charles, Jianbin Fang, Jim Fonseca, Yu He, Gerhard Klimeck, Zhengping Jiang, Tillmann Kubis, Daniel Mejia, Daniel Lemus, Michael Povolotskyi, Santiago Rubiano, Prasad Sarangapani, Lang Zeng,
    "NEMO5: Achieving High-end Internode Communication for Performance Projection Beyond Moore's Law"



  • 20[J309] - [J_2018_16]

    Daniel Mejia, Tillmann Kubis, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "NemoViz: A visual interactive system for atomistic simulations design"
    Visualization in Engineering, November 2018, Volume 6, Number 6;doi:10.1186/s40327-018-0067-42018



  • 19[J290] - [J_2017_6]

    Gustavo Valencia-Zapata, Daniel Mejia, Gerhard Klimeck, Michael Zentner, Okan Ersoy,
    "Statistical Approach for Increasing the Accuracy in Supervised Learning Algorithms"
    The IPSI BgD Transactions on Internet Research. Special Issue: Machine Learning and Signal/Image Processing, 2017.2017



  • 18[J297] - [J_2017_11]

    KuangChung Wang, Teodor Stanev, Daniel Valencia, James Charles, Alex Henning, Vinod Sangwan, Aritra Lahiri, Daniel Mejia, Prasad Sarangapani, Michael Povolotskyi, A. Afzalian, Jesse Maassen, Gerhard Klimeck, Mark Hersam, Lincoln Lauhon, Nathaniel Stern, Tillmann Kubis,
    "Control of interlayer delocalization in 2H transition metal dichalcogenides"
    Journal of Applied Physics 122, 224302 (2017);doi:10.1063/1.50059582017



  • 17[J281] - [J_2016_24]

    James Charles, Prasad Sarangapani, Roksana Golizadeh-Mojarad, Robert Andrawis, Daniel Lemus, Xinchen Guo, Daniel Mejia, Jim Fonseca, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Incoherent transport in NEMO5: realistic and efficient scattering on phonons"
    Journal of Computational Electronics, pp 1–7, 2016;doi:10.1007/s10825-016-0845-y2016



Proceedings (4)

  • 16[P230] - [P_2019_2]

    Nathan Denny, Michael Zentner, Daniel Mejia, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "”Instant On” Science Gateways: An Introduction to Caching Simulation Results and a Path Towards Data Exploration"
    Gateways 2019, Sept. 23–25, 2019, San Diego, California2019



  • 15[P201] - [P_2015_17]

    Krishna Madhavan, Daniel Mejia, Hanjun Xian, Lynn Zentner, Victoria Farnsworth, Swaroop Samek, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Interactive Analytic Systems for Understanding the Scholarly Impact of Large-Scale E-science Cyberenvironments"
    2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), Aug. 31 2015-Sept. 4 2015, Munich, Page(s): 288 - 291;doi:10.1109/eScience.2015.342015



  • 14[P199] - [P_2015_15]

    Prasad Sarangapani, Daniel Mejia, James Charles, Woody Gilbertso, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Tarek Ameen, Andrew Roche, Jim Fonseca, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Quantum dot lab: an online platform for quantum dot simulations"
    International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), 2015, Page(s): 1 - 3;doi:10.1109/IWCE.2015.73019822015



  • 13[P168] - [P_2012_6]

    Jean Sellier, Jim Fonseca, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, Yu He, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, SungGeun Kim, Daniel Mejia, Parijat Sengupta, Yaohua Tan,
    "NEMO5, a Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphysics Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool"
    IEEE SISPAD 2012, pg: 388-391, International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, Denver, CO, Sept. 20122012



Conferences (12)

  • 12[C519] - [C_2019_5]

    Nathan Denny, Michael Zentner, Daniel Mejia, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "”Instant On” Science Gateways: An Introduction to Caching Simulation Results and a Path Towards Data Exploration"
    Gateways 2019, Sept. 23–25, 2019, San Diego, California2019



  • 11[I38] - [I_2018_4]

    Gerhard Klimeck, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, James Fonseca, Bozidar Novakovic, Tarek Ameen, James Charles, ChiYi Chen, Yanchen Chu, Junzhe Geng, Xinchen Guo, Kaspar Haume, Yu He, Ganesh Hegde, Hesam Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, SungGeun Kim, Daniel Lemus, Daniel Mejia, Kai Miao, Samik Mukherjee, Seung Park, Ahmed Reza, Mehdi Salmani, Prasad Sarangapani, Parijat Sengupta, Saima Sharmin, Yaohua Tan, Archana Tankasala, Daniel Valencia, KuangChung Wang, Evan Wilson,
    "NEMO5, a Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphysics Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool From Basic Physics to Real Devices and to Global Impact on nanoHUB.org"
    Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, July 9 2018, Host. Dr. Kwang-Reol Lee2018



  • 10[I37] - [I_2018_3]

    Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, James Fonseca, Bozidar Novakovic, Tarek Ameen, James Charles, ChiYi Chen, Yanchen Chu, Junzhe Geng, Xinchen Guo, Kaspar Haume, Yu He, Ganesh Hegde, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, SungGeun Kim, Daniel Lemus, Daniel Mejia, Kai Miao, Samik Mukherjee, Seung Park, Ahmed Reza, Mehdi Salmani, Prasad Sarangapani, Parijat Sengupta, Saima Sharmin, Yaohua Tan, Archana Tankasala, Daniel Valencia, KuangChung Wang, Evan Wilson,
    "NEMO5, a Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphysics Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool From Basic Physics to Real Devices and to Global Impact on nanoHUB.org"
    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, July 6 2018, Host Prof. Mincheol Shin2018



  • 9[I249] - [I_2017_6]

    Xinchen Guo, Daniel Lemus, Daniel Mejia, Jim Fonseca, Gerhard Klimeck, Tillmann Kubis,
    "NEMO5: A Parallelized Multi-Scale and Multi-Physics Nanodevices Simulation Software"
    Presentation at SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Atlanta, GA, February 27-March 3, 20172017



  • 8[I248] - [I_2016_10]

    Tillmann Kubis, Gerhard Klimeck, Michael Povolotskyi, Jim Fonseca, Xinchen Guo, Daniel Lemus, Daniel Mejia, James Charles, Prasad Sarangapani, KuangChung Wang,
    "Post-Moore Nanoscale Logic Devices"
    ALCF Aurora Early Science Program, 20162016



  • 7[C247] - [C_2016_20]

    Xinchen Guo, Daniel Lemus, Daniel Mejia, Jim Fonseca, Gerhard Klimeck, Tillmann Kubis,
    "MPI + hStreams in NEMO5: Partitioning Xeon Phi"
    Presentation at the Intel Xeon Phi User Group 2016 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL2016



  • 6[C494] - [C_2016_19]

    Xinchen Guo, KuangChung Wang, James Charles, Junzhe Geng, Daniel Mejia, Daniel Valencia, Daniel Lemus, Jim Fonseca, Gerhard Klimeck, Tillmann Kubis,
    "NEMO5, Xeon Phi and hStreams: Physics of Ultrascaled 2D Nanotransistors"
    Poster session presented at SC ’16 the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Salt Lake City, UT, 20162016



  • 5[C441] - [C_2015_14]

    Prasad Sarangapani, Daniel Mejia, James Charles, Woody Gilbertso, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Tarek Ameen, Andrew Roche, Jim Fonseca, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Quantum Dot Lab: An Online Platform for Quantum Dot Simulations"
    The Second Annual nanoHUB User Conference, Purdue University on August 31 - September 1, 20152015



  • 4[C440] - [C_2015_13]

    Prasad Sarangapani, Daniel Mejia, James Charles, Woody Gilbertso, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Tarek Ameen, Andrew Roche, Jim Fonseca, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Quantum Dot Lab: An Online Platform for Quantum Dot Simulations"
    International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE 2015) September 2, 2015 West Lafayette, Indiana USA2015



  • 3[C435] - [C_2015_10]

    Hanjun Xian, Daniel Mejia, Krishna Madhavan, Lynn Zentner, Swaroop Shivarajapura, Victoria Farnsworth, Gerhard Klimeck,
    "Interactive analytic systems for understanding the scholarly impact of large-scale e-Science cyber-environments"
    eScience 2015, Aug 31 - Sep 4, Munich Germany2015



  • 2[S133] - [S_2013_8]

    Gerhard Klimeck, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Jim Fonseca, Bozidar Novakovic, Yu He, Daniel Mejia, Zhengping Jiang, SungGeun Kim, Saumitra Mehrotra,
    "NEMO5, a Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphysics Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool"
    Synopsys, Oct 18, 2013, Host: Dr. Victor Moroz2013



  • 1[C388] - [C_2012_38]

    Jean Sellier, Jim Fonseca, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, Yu He, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Zhengping Jiang, SungGeun Kim, Daniel Mejia, Parijat Sengupta, Yaohua Tan,
    "NEMO5, a Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphysics Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool"
    SISPAD 2012, International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, Denver, CO, Sept. 20122012



Others (0)

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