Other code quality standards
Microsoft + .NET
Open source
Industry standards
University of Massachusetts Boston, CS 144
Brown University, CS 033
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Arizona, revision of the Indian Hill C Style and Coding Standards
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Software Engineering, SWEN 250
University of Kansas, EECS 678
Michigan State University, CSE 232
Cornell, Recommended C Style and Coding Standards
McMaster University
CalTech, CS11
MIT 16.070
University of Pennsylvania, CSE 480
by Glenn Skinner, Suryakanta Shah, Bill Shannon (Sun Microsystems)
University of Michigan, EECS 381
University of Wisonsin, CS 150
CalPoly, CPE 101
Stanford, CS 140, Pintos
Southern Illinois University
Clemson University, P6 Architecture Group
Montefiore Institute, EECS
University of Colorado, ECEE
James Madison University, CS 261
Harvard, CS 50
University of Maryland
Athens Univ of Economics and Business
University of Calgary, CPSC 451 / SENG 411
Technion University
Language creators / maintainers
NASA - C Style Guide
by Steven Hughes, Linda Jun, Wendy Shoan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) @ NASA
Joint Strike Fighter Air Vehicle
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Atacama Large Millimeter Array
CERT, CMU, Department of Defense
IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
European Space Agency (ESA), Software Engineering and Standardization (SES)
European Space Agency (ESA), Software Engineering and Standardization (SES)
European Space Agency (ESA), Software Engineering and Standardization (SES) – summary slides
by Prof. K. J. Hintz, George Maxon University, ECE
Federal Aviation Administration
by MIT Lincoln Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Embedded, robotics, high-performance computing
Individuals, blogs