Advanced C Programming

Fall 2022 ECE 264 :: Purdue University :: Section 3 (Quinn)

⚠ This is a PAST SEMESTER (Fall 2022).

Past exams and quizzes

Below are some past exams. Since the emphasis in ECE 26400 shifts slightly from semester to semester, some of these may include topics not covered this semester, and vice versa. Some of these have been edited to correct typos.


Spring 2022 Final exam blank solution representations, linked lists, trees, structures, memory faults, writing and reading files, endianness, buffer overflows
Spring 2020 Exam 1 blank solution representations, GDB, addresses, preprocessor, TDD
Spring 2019 Exam 1 blank solution representations, addresses, memory, segments, strings, code quality
Exam 2 blank solution numbers in memory, GDB x/, preprocessor, unions, linked lists, linked lists with C99, memory management, Valgrind, BSTs, bug detection/diagnosis
Exam 3 blank solution representations, structures/unions, test coverage, binary files, file operations, dynamic structures (BSTs), preprocessor + recursion, const + memory + errors, parallel programming (threads)
Quiz 1 blank solution Address syntax
Quiz 2 blank solution GDB
Quiz 3 blank solution Vim
Quiz 4 blank struct address syntax, structs in memory, heap, assert, DRY rule / code deduplication (all copied from past quizzes)
Quiz 5 blank solution image files
Quiz 6 blank stack inspection
Fall 2017 Exam 1 blank solution
Exam 2 blank solution linked lists, multi-dimensional arrays, files, function addresses
Exam 3 blank solution linked lists, recursion(x2), code quality, binary files, images, syntax for structures and memory addresses, Huffman coding
Quiz 1 blank solution structures in memory
Quiz 2 blank solution GDB
Quiz 3 blank solution memory, malloc(…), assert(…), DRY rule
Quiz 4 blank solution exam 1 remix: struct/address syntax, memory, malloc(…)
Quiz 5 blank solution files, arrays
Quiz 6 blank solution linked lists
Quiz 7 blank solution bitwise operations
Quiz 8 blank solution Huffman coding, BMP images
Fall 2016 Exam 1 blank solution number bases, ASCII, data types, strings, malloc, variadic functions, test-driven development, GDB, memory, code quality
Exam 2 blank solution
Exam 3 blank solution
Quiz 1 blank solution number bases
Quiz 2 blank solution linked lists in memory
Quiz 3 blank solution Vim
Quiz 4 blank solution dynamic memory, valgrind
Quiz 5 blank DRY, assert, sizeof, BSTs, qsort (exam #2 recap)
Quiz 6 blank binary files, BMP image format
In-class exercise blank solution address syntax
In-class exercise blank binary search trees (BSTs)
In-class exercise blank solution deduplicating code - DRY Rule
In-class exercise blank solution dynamic memory, malloc(…)
In-class exercise blank form for memory exercises
In-class exercise blank solution pre-/post-conditions and loop invariants
In-class exercise blank pthread and multi-threaded programming
In-class exercise blank pass by address, swap(…)
In-class exercise blank stack inspection at the low level
Fall 2015 Exam 1 blank solution
Exam 2 blank solution number bases, GDB, Vim, dynamic memory, code quality, memory
Final exam blank solution
Quiz 1 blank solution bases, printf
Quiz 2 blank dynamic memory, valgrind
Quiz 3 blank solution Vim
Quiz 4 blank solution linked lists in memory
Quiz 5 blank solution linked lists, sizeof(…)
Quiz 6 blank solution threads
Quiz 8 blank solution files, gdb
Fall 2014 Exam 1 blank joint with Lu
Exam 2 solution joint with Lu
Exam 3 blank solution
Final exam blank solution