About the Lab

Based on reservoir properties and fluid compressibility, only 20 to 40 percent of the original oil in place (OOIP) can be recovered using primary and secondary recovery techniques. The remaining 30 to 60 percent of the stranded oil can only be recovered via tertiary or Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes such as thermal recovery, gas injection, chemical injection and microbial process. The EOR Lab, supported by Pioneer Oil Company, focuses on multidisciplinary research approaches, including chemistry, geochemistry, clay and mineral science, chemical and materials engineering, and petroleum engineering, to understand the solid-liquid and liquid-liquid interfacial properties for the tertiary recovery of stranded oil. Dr. Schultheiss directs the facility to provide professional service for EOR method evaluation and design using the state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and reservoir simulation. The laboratory is also committed to train graduate and undergraduate students and to advance interdisciplinary research collaborations within and outside Purdue University.