The Innovative Materials and Pavements Group


Dario Batioja Alvarez

  Purdue University, 2018-present
Postdoctoral Researcher
Ph.D. University of Nevada,Reno,USA
M.Sc. Brigham Young University, USA
B.Sc. Brigham Young University, USA

Current Research:

Performance Balanced Mix Design (BMD) for Indiana’s Asphalt Pavements including :

  • Evaluate the applicability of different performance tests with Indiana’s mixtures.

  • Validate prediction performance of performance tests with field projects.

  • Develop a draft Indiana Testing Method using BMD procedure and propose new balanced specification criteria.

  • Verify Pavement ME inputs and models using performance results from BMD tests and field sections.

  • Publications:
    Journal Papers:

  • Hajj, E. Y., Batioja-Alvarez, D., and Siddharthan, R. (2016). "Assessment of Pavement Damage from Bus Rapid Transit: Case Study for Nevada." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2591), 70-79.

  • Batioja-Alvarez, D., Kazemi, F., Hajj, E., Siddharthan, R., and Hand, A. (2017). "Probabilistic Mechanistic-Based Pavement Damage Costs for Multi-Trip Overweight Vehicles." ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering A: Pavements, Volume 144, Issue 2.

  • Batioja-Alvarez, D., Kazemi, F., Hajj, E., Siddharthan, R., and Hand, A. (2017). "Pavement Damage Distributions Based on Mechanistic-Based Analysis of Overweight vehicles” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2018.

  • Morian, N., Hajj, E., Pournoman, S., Habbouche, J., Batioja-Alvarez, D. (2017) “Low Temperature Behavior of Asphalt Binders, Mortars, and Mixtures with High Recycled Materials. Accepted for publication in Journal of the Association of Asphalt Pavement Technologists.

  • Conference Papers:
  • Batioja-Alvarez, D., Kazemi, F., Hajj, E, Hand, A., Siddharthan, R. “Case Study for Overweight Vehicle Damage Associated Costs”, Accepted for Advanced in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction Conference (Paper No. 235), April 16-18 2018. Doha, Qatar.

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