Bagchi Purdue University Engineering

Professor Bagchi

School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Computer Science
IMPACT Faculty Fellow (13-14)
Contact Information

Short Biography

I am a Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Computer Science (by courtesy) at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. I am an ACM Distinguished Scientist (2013), a Senior Member of IEEE (2007) and ACM (2009), a Distinguished Speaker for ACM (2012), an IMPACT Faculty Fellow at Purdue (2013-14), and an Assistant Director of the CERIAS security center at Purdue. I am the Cybersecurity Lead for the NSF Center at Purdue called NEEScomm, which provides computational tools and data processing tools for NSF-funded earthquake researchers. Our work on fault tolerance in distributed systems has been rewarded with recognition of best papers or runner-up awards at several conferences (Sensys 2011, Supercomputing 2009, SecureComm 2008, etc.) and through the Seed for Success award at Purdue University twice (for NEEScomm and the Missile Defense Agency ballistic missile defense project in 2012 and NEEScomm project in 2011).

I received the MS and PhD degrees from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, in 1998 and 2001, respectively. I worked with Prof. Ravishankar Iyer and Dr. Zbigniew Kalbarczyk at the Coordinated Science Laboratory. My Ph.D. dissertation was on error detection protocols in distributed systems (PDF). During my Ph.D. I worked on an adaptive fault-tolerant middleware system called Chameleon. Earlier I had done my MS in June 1998 from the same school and under the same advisor. My undergraduate alma mater is the Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur where I did Computer Science and Engineering. I worked at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in Hawthorne, New York in the Distributed Messaging Systems group on a project called Gryphon in 2001.

If you want the gory details, read the full CV or you can download the PDF (last updated January 2015).

If you want a meandering look, read the non-linear version of my biography.

Last modified: April 21, 2015