Welcome to TRSL

Welcome to the Thermal-hydraulics and Reactor Safety Laboratory (TRSL) at Purdue University. TRSL is organized by Director Mamoru Ishii and Co-Director Seungjin Kim. Dr. Ishii’s research can be found here, and Dr. Kim’s research can be found here.

Interested students are encouraged to contact Dr. Mamoru Ishii (ishii@purdue.edu) or Dr. Seungjin Kim (seungjin@purdue.edu) for addtional information.

Research Groups at TRSL



Mamoru Ishii

Walter Zinn Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering


Seungjin Kim

Capt. James McCarthy, Jr. and Cheryl E. McCarthy Head and Professor of Nuclear Engineering.


  • 1375 Aviation Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907