Are you a current or past engineering student and interested in sharing your story? If so, we’d like to ask you to complete our 15-minute survey, Actualizing Latent Diversity: Online Qualitative Data Collection [IRB-2022-84]. This website showcases research from long-term interviews with several students, but the more student voices we can incorporate, the better!
If you are interested, please read on below for more information about your rights as a research participant and for instructions on how to participate.
You will have the option to respond to questions through audio, if you prefer. We will ask you to record your response using a free website and then upload it through a secure, anonymous form. We will never share your audio — when your story appears on our website, it will be transcribed entirely into text.
If you’re more comfortable typing or don’t have a way to record at the moment, you can also respond in writing! We’ve provided both options since we’re interested in hearing your thoughts, and sometimes it’s easier to talk things through than type them. Both options are completely acceptable, and your information will be kept secure either way!
The purpose of this study is to understand the diversity of attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and career expectations of engineering students. We are seeking to improve the culture of engineering to make it more attractive to students and to help students feel that they belong in engineering. We plan on surveying up to 200 visitors to our website over the next year, with the possibility to extend the survey in the future.
This study has been reviewed and approved by the Purdue University IRB (IRB-2022-84; for more information on what an IRB is and how it works, check here). As part of the study procedure, we will ask you to review a form that describes your rights as a study participant and then indicate your willingness to participate. You can preview this consent form below.
Below is a short YouTube video that shows the audio recording and uploading process. It will work best on a laptop or desktop computer with a microphone.
If you run into any issues, please reach out to us at or and let us know what’s going on.
Thank you for participating, and we’re looking forward to hearing your story!
Responding to the survey using text responses is much easier than the audio alternative. All you need is a computer and a keyboard!
If you run into any issues, please reach out to us at or and let us know what’s going on.
Thank you for participating, and we’re looking forward to hearing your story!
The survey should take about 15 minutes to repeat. You won’t have the option to pause and return later, so it’s best to make sure you have enough time set aside. As always, if you have questions, reach out to us at or and we’ll be happy to help!