Tchuck is a white man attending a east coast university and majoring in biomedical engineering. Always a good student, Tchuck attended a STEM academy for high school and took an engineering class in his senior year. Although the focus was on mechanical engineering, he was interested in what he saw and was drawn to his chosen university’s research on blindness and robotic limbs. Tchuck is looking forward to his junior and senior research projects in which he’ll have the opportunity to steer his own projects and designs. As the oldest of four children and the son of an engineer, Tchuck describes his desire to succeed and his enjoyment in knowing how things work as the forces that led to his interest in engineering.
My dad is an engineer, so I was from that young age I had that influence over me, I still do. So that was a big part. So I’m the oldest of four, so I have three other siblings. So I felt like there’s always that pressure to succeed, do well in school and all that stuff. […] I like knowing how things work and all that generic stuff. So yeah I’d say it’s a mix between. I do want to do it and I do like it, but I think also a big part of it was also my dad.
From Tchuck’s first interview.
The image below is a journey map that Tchuck created summarizing some of the highs and lows from his second year as an engineering student.

Want to learn more about Tchuck’s journey? Check out his tag here (or by clicking the ‘Tchuck’ tag below) to see quotes from his interviews over the years.