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A list of publications ordered by citations can be found on Google Scholar.


Bharadwaj, H.M., Mai, A.R., Simpson, J.M., Choi, I., Heinz, M.G., Shinn-Cunningham, B.G., (2019). Non-Invasive Assays of Cochlear Synaptopathy -- Candidates and Considerations. Neuroscience.

Wang, L., Bharadwaj, H., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. (2019). Assessing cochlear-place specific temporal coding using multi-band complex tones to measure envelope-following responses. Neuroscience


Mamashli, F., Khan, S., Bharadwaj, H., Losh, A., Pawlyszyn, S., Hämäläinen, M., & Kenet, T. (2018). Maturational trajectories of local and long‐range functional connectivity in autism during face processing. Human Brain Mapping39(10), 4094-4104.

Khan, S., Hashmi, J. A., Mamashli, F., Michmizos, K., Kitzbichler, M. G., Bharadwaj, H., ... & Kenet, T. (2018). Maturation trajectories of cortical resting-state networks depend on the mediating frequency band. NeuroImage. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.02.018


Shinn-Cunningham, B. G., Varghese, L., Wang, L., Bharadwaj, H. M. (2017). Individual differences in temporal perception and their implications for everyday listening. In The Frequency-Following Response, Eds. N. Kraus et al., Springer Handbook of Auditory Research 61, Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-47944-6_7.


Mamashli, F., Khan, S., Bharadwaj, H. M., Michmizos, K., Ganesan, S., Garel, K.-L. A., Ali Hashmi, J., Herbert, M. R., Hämäläinen, M. and Kenet, T. (2016), Auditory processing in noise is associated with complex patterns of disrupted functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research. doi:10.1002/aur.1714

Mehraei, G., Hickox, A. E., Bharadwaj, H. M., Goldberg, H., Verhulst, S., Liberman, M. C., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2016). Auditory Brainstem Response Latency in Noise as a Marker of Cochlear Synaptopathy. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(13), 3755-3764.

Khan, S., Hashmi, J. A., Mamashli, F., Bharadwaj, H. M., Ganesan, S., Michmizos, K., ... & Kenet, T. (2016). Altered Onset Response Dynamics in Somatosensory Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, 255.


Verhulst, S., Bharadwaj, H. M., Mehraei, G., Shera, C. A., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2015). Functional modeling of the human auditory brainstem response to broadband stimulation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(3), 1637-1659.

Varghese, L., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2015). Evidence against attentional state modulating scalp-recorded auditory brainstem steady-state responses. Brain research, 1626, 146-164.

Bharadwaj, H. M., Masud, S., Verhulst, S., Mehraei, G., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2015). Individual differences reveal correlates of hidden hearing deficits. Journal of Neuroscience, 35 (5): 2161--2172. doi: 10.1523/jneurosci.3915-14.2015. [PDF]


Choi, I., Bharadwaj, H. M., Bressler, S., Loui, P., Lee, K., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2014). Automatic processing of abstract musical tonality. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 988.  doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00988.

Choi, I., Wang, L., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. (2014). Individual differences in attentional modulation of cortical responses correlate with selective attention performance. Hearing research, 314, 10-19. doi:10.1016/j.heares.2014.04.008. [PDF]

Bressler, S., Masud, S., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. (2014). Bottom-up influences of voice continuity in focusing selective auditory attention. Psychological research, 78(3), 349-360. doi:10.1007/s00426-014-0555-7. [PDF]

Bharadwaj, H. M., Verhulst, S., Shaheen, L., Liberman, M. C., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2014). Cochlear Neuropathy and the Coding of Supra-threshold Sound. Frontiers in Neuroscience. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2014.00026. [PDF]

Bharadwaj, H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2014). Rapid acquisition of auditory subcortical steady-state responses using multichannel recordings. Clinical Neurophysiology. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2014.01.011. [PDF]

Bharadwaj, H. M., Lee, A. K., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2014). Measuring Auditory Selective Attention using Frequency Tagging. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8, 6. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2014.00006. [PDF]


Zhu, L., Bharadwaj, H. M., Xia, J., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. (2013). A comparison of spectral magnitude and phase-locking value analyses of the frequency-following response to complex tones. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(1), 384-395. [PDF]

Lee, A. K., Rajaram, S., Xia, J., Bharadwaj, H. M., Larson, E., Hamalainen, M. S., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2012). Auditory selective attention reveals preparatory activity in different cortical regions for selection based on source location and source pitch. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6: 190. [PDF]

Shinn-Cunningham, B., Ruggles, D. R., & Bharadwaj, H. M. (2013). How Early Aging and Environment Interact in Everyday Listening: From Brainstem to Behavior Through Modeling. Basic Aspects of Hearing (pp. 501-510). Springer New York. [PDF]


Ruggles, D., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2012). Why middle-aged listeners have trouble hearing in everyday settings. Current Biology, 22(15), 1417-1422. [PDF]

Kenet, T.†, Orekhova, E. V.†, Bharadwaj, H. M.†, Shetty, N. R., Israeli, E., Lee, A. K. C. et al. (2012). Disconnectivity of the cortical ocular motor control network in autism spectrum disorders. NeuroImage, 61(4), 1226-1234. (†equal contribution) [PDF]


Ruggles, D., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2011). Normal hearing is not enough to guarantee robust encoding of suprathreshold features important in everyday communication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(37), 15516-15521. [PDF]