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ECE 462 Assignment 2

Two-player Breakout game using C++ and Qt (outcome 2)

Please finish the first three lab exercises before starting this programming assignment.

This is the same assignment as the first assignment except that you have to write it in C++ and Qt. Please read the specification for the first assignment.

Bonus Points: You can only receive the bonus points for bonus task 3 once, in either PA1 or PA2.  However, if you accomplish the bonus tasks 1,2 in both PA1 and PA2, you may receive doubled bonus points.

Qt's drawChord

You can find the definition of Qt's drawChord here.  The following example shows calling the function with different parameters.

  // multiple with 16 because Qt divide each degree into 16 levels
  painter.drawChord(50, 60, 100, 100, 0, 45 * 16);
  painter.drawChord(150, 60, 60, 60, 45 * 16, 90 * 16);
  painter.drawChord(250, 60, 60, 60, 150 * 16, 120 * 16);
  painter.drawChord(350, 60, 60, 60, 90 * 16, 60 * 16);
  painter.drawChord(50, 160, 60, 60, 270 * 16, 90 * 16);
  painter.drawChord(150, 160, 60, 60, 330 * 16, 60 * 16);
  painter.drawChord(250, 160, 60, 60, 180 * 16, 180 * 16);
  painter.drawChord(350, 160, 60, 60, 150 * 16, 60 * 16);

 You can find the source code for generating the above figure here.