Rotating Magnetic Field Based Analysis
3rd Edition

Animation C: Introduction to Reference Frame Theory – Chapter 5

Paul Krause Oleg Wasynczuk Steven Pekarek Timothy O'Connell

Instantaneous and Steady-State Phasors

The instantaneous phasor can be expressed $$\tilde{f}_{as}(t)=f_{qs}^e(t)-jf_{ds}^e(t)~~~~~~~~~~\text{(13)}$$ and $$\begin{split}f_{as}(t) & =\text{Re}\left[\tilde{f}_{as}(t)e^{j\omega_et}\right]\\ & \text{Re}\left\{\left[f_{qs}^e(t)-jf_{ds}^e(t)\right]e^{j\omega_et}\right\}\end{split}~~~~~~~~~~\text{(14)}$$ The q and d axis voltage equations in the synchronously rotating reference frame for a symmetrical two-phase stator with a round rotor are $$v_{qs}^e=r_si_{qs}^e+\omega_eL_{ss}i_{ds}^e+L_{ss}pi_{qs}^e~~~~~~~~~~\text{(15)}$$ $$v_{ds}^e=r_si_{ds}^e-\omega_eL_{ss}i_{qs}^e+L_{ss}pi_{ds}^e~~~~~~~~~~\text{(16)}$$ where $$\lambda_{qs}=L_{ss}i_{qs}^e~~~~~~~~~~\text{(17)}$$ $$\lambda_{ds}=L_{ss}i_{ds}^e~~~~~~~~~~\text{(18)}$$ and $$L_{ss}=L_{ls}+L_{ms}~~~~~~~~~~\text{(19)}$$ substituting (15) and (16) into (12) yields $$v_{qs}^e-jv_{ds}^e=r_s\left(i_{qs}^e-ji_{ds}^e\right)+\omega_eL_{ss}\left(i_{ds}^e+ji_{qs}^e\right)+L_{ss}\left(pi_{qs}^e-jpi_{ds}^e\right)~~~~~~~~~~\text{(20)}$$ This can be written as $$\tilde{v}_{as}=r_s\tilde{i}_{as}+j\omega_eL_{ss}\tilde{i}_{as}+L_{ss}p\tilde{i}_{as}~~~~~~~~~~\text{(21)}$$ In the figure below, which is Figure 5.7-1 in the text, Eqn. (21) is animated. Each of the instantaneous phasors in (21) is shown, and the equation is visualized as the sum of those phasors. As the system reaches steady state, the $L_{ss}p\tilde{i}_{as}$ term decays to zero, and this is illustrated by the red arrow in the animation. The trajectories of $\tilde{i}_{as}$ and $\left(r_s+j\omega_eL_{ss}\right)\tilde{i}_{as}$ are traced out. The latter of these is the steady state value of $\tilde{v}_{as}$, which can be seen as its trajectory decays to $\tilde{v}_{as}$.

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