President Daniels Highlights Several JTRP Initiatives in Senate Testimony

On June 25, President Daniels testified before the Senate Finance Committee. President Daniels’ opening remarks reference the Purdue Road School, an event co-sponsored by JTRP and LTAP. President Daniels has been a long-time supporter of the Purdue Road School, first participating when he gave the 2006 Road School Luncheon address during the launch of Major Moves and this past year when he hosted a session with Mayor Dennis on the innovative partnership between the City and Purdue on the State Street initiative.

To read President Daniels' testimony, see Senate Committee on Finance Hearings.

2006 Road School Luncheon Address
2015 State Street Corridor Session

President Daniels’ opening remarks also referenced the Center for Aging Infrastructure (CAI) led by Prof. Connor.  The CAI initiative was launched with a $2.5M investment from INDOT through the Joint Transportation Research Program.

Ryan Gallagher and Jay Wasson, INDOT Deputy Commissioners
with Jason Lloyd and Prof. Darcy Bullock of Purdue University
Professor Robert Connor, S-BRITE Director

Other parts of President Daniels’ speech referenced the cost-benefit assessment conducted to shape the investment decisions for the Cline Avenue Bridge replacement options.  JTRP affiliated faculty, staff and students were actively engaged in the traffic engineering portion of that assessment which evaluated travel times along alternative paths.

Hainen, A.M., J.S. Wasson, S.M.L. Hubbard, S.M. Remias, G.D. Farnsworth, and D.M. Bullock, “Estimating Route Choice and Travel Time Reliability with Field Observations of Bluetooth Probe Vehicles,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2256, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.,  pp. 43-50, 2011. DOI: 10.3141/2256-06.