EVOLVE Subaru of Indiana Tour

Event Date: April 19, 2017
Public Sector Discussion Panel Members: Rachel Hazaray, Tim Wells, Sallie Fahey, Mike Spencer, Sue Scholer, and Bill Davis
Public Sector Discussion Panel Members: Rachel Hazaray, Tim Wells, Sallie Fahey, Mike Spencer, Sue Scholer, and Bill Davis
Members of Indiana Department of Transportation EVOLVE mentoring program and the Joint Transportation Research Program
Members of Indiana Department of Transportation EVOLVE mentoring program and the Joint Transportation Research Program
On April 19th, members of Indiana Department of Transportation EVOLVE mentoring program and the Joint Transportation Research Program toured the Subaru of Indiana Automotive plant in Lafayette, Indiana. The tour consisted of observing the assembly line build a Subaru vehicle from start to finish, starting with coils of raw steel being stamped and pressed into vehicle parts then later viewing the final test drive of a brand new Subaru.


Following the plant tour, a panel discussion was held including four stakeholders involved in the effort to provide a properly planned and supported area for industrial development.  Also included in the discussion was SIA representative, Rachel Hazaray, who provided an overview of SIA’s history, products, awards and environmental stewardship initiatives.

Public Sector Discussion Panel Members

  • Sue Scholer, a former Tippecanoe County Commissioner, was involved in supporting the industrial expansion within the county.
  •  Bill Davis, a Civil Engineering Design Consultant at the time, described the planning, design and extensive construction investments from the City of Lafayette Utilities Department to make industrial development possible.
  • Sallie Fahey, Executive Director of the Tippecanoe County Area Plan Commission, which played a major role in planning the land use and orderly development strategy for Tippecanoe County.
  • Mike Spencer, former Tippecanoe County Surveyor, was responsible for planning and overseeing the regional drainage improvement projects necessary to support large scale development.

Overall, the day was a success to see the final product of all the hard work these people put into Tippecanoe County.