Energy Transition to a Sustainable Future Course

Navigating the Energy Landscape: A Collaborative Course on Sustainable Futures is offered by CISTAR

New Graduate Course: Energy Transition to a Sustainable Future

Purdue faculty at The Center for Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources (CISTAR) at Purdue have joined forces with a diverse team from the University of Notre Dame, the University of New Mexico, and the University of Texas at Austin to create an innovative course designed to give senior undergraduate and graduate students a comprehensive understanding of the shift from conventional fossil fuels to sustainable energy resources. The collaborative teaching effort brings together experts from different academic institutions and industries, each contributing unique perspectives to offer a holistic education on the complexities of energy transition.

The "Energy Transition to a Sustainable Future" course covers various topics crucial for comprehending and contributing to the global movement towards sustainable energy solutions with lower CO2 emissions. The curriculum is designed to equip students with in-depth knowledge about various aspects of the transition, fostering a well-rounded understanding of the challenges and opportunities to a sustainable and low CO2-footprint energy future.

Historical, Current, and Future Roles of Hydrocarbons

Participants in the course will delve into the historical significance of hydrocarbons in the economy, exploring their current roles in energy, fuels, and materials. The goal is to provide a nuanced understanding of hydrocarbons as a foundation for energy and materials, laying the groundwork for the subsequent exploration of alternatives.

Environmental Impact of Energy Production and Use

Understanding the full scope of energy production and use involves an exploration of its environmental impact. The course will address the environmental, health, legal, and social dimensions, ensuring that students grasp the multifaceted consequences of our current energy practices.

Carbon Capture, Storage, and Conversion

With a focus on future environmental CO2 reductions, students will gain insight into innovative approaches to mitigate the impact of carbon emissions on the environment.

Decarbonization of Energy Production

The course will provide a comprehensive overview of the various options for decarbonizing energy production. From technological advancements to policy considerations, students will explore the strategies and initiatives essential for achieving a low-carbon and sustainable energy.

The course culminates with a project assignment, where student teams, made of students from multiple sites, will investigate these topics further and then present them to the group.

By combining the expertise of center faculty with corporate partners and faculty from other institutions, this course fosters interdisciplinary thinking essential for tackling the intricacies of the energy transition. Participants will then be poised to become leaders and innovators in pursuing a sustainable energy future, armed with the knowledge and skills to navigate the evolving energy landscape.