The president shall be the chief executive of the IE GSO and is responsible for fulfilling the mission of the IE GSO. The president presides over all meetings of the GSO. The president’s other duties include – applying for funding on behalf of the organization, attending GSAC monthly meetings, sharing information with the executive board to help them plan successful events, GSO registration and documentation, meeting with IEGSO advisors once a month and meeting with the department head once a semester. Ideally the president should have served on at least one of the IEGSO committees or have worked with other organizations on campus (for example HFES/ INFORMS / IEGWG) in a primary leadership role.
Vice President:
The vice president coordinates all the activities of the IEGSO and support President to plan the events for the semester. The vice president is primarily responsible to fulfil the president’s duties when president is unavailable or unable to do so. The Vice President is also responsible for maintaining and circulating meeting minutes and any official records such as committee application. Vice President will work closely with President and Treasurer to apply for grants.
The treasurer is primarily responsible for managing the finances of the IEGSO account. The treasurer is responsible i) for managing the finances including approving activity budgets and submitting reimbursement paperwork. ii) to keep accounts, deposit the organization’s funds and make expenditure in a manner approved by Business Office of Student Organization. iii) to seek additional sources of funding for the IEGSO. Additionally, Treasurer along with the president draft the budget and funding proposal for the IEGSO.
Academic Affairs Committee:
The primary function of the academic activities committee is to organize the annual IEGSO Research Symposium i and Career Fair and to take responsibility for the organization of scholarly activities including but not limited to alumni connect, speaker series, and company information sessions that will positively impact graduate students of the School of Industrial Engineering as well as students from other departments.
Social Committee:
The primary function of the social committee is to take responsibility for the organization of social activities, which aim to enrich the life of IE graduate students as well as provide more opportunities for student interaction and networking. The committee will oversee organizing monthly socials, snack times, and joint socials with other departments/GSOs.
Publicity & Outreach Committee:
The primary function of the publicity & outreach committee is to actively formulate ideas for outreach to the broader community at Purdue, with a special emphasis on the incoming graduate students, the undergraduate community in the school of Industrial Engineering, minority students, and GK-12 students interested in engineering. The publicity & outreach Committee will organize the Mentoring Event in Fall to help the graduate students. The publicity & outreach committee will also work during Purdue Day of Giving to promote the IEGSO to our alumni. The publicity & outreach committee will also be in charge of maintaining the website the social media accounts including but not limited to LinkedIn group, LinkedIn page, and GroupMe account.
Communication Committee:
The primary function of the communications committee will be to support information flows between current students, staff, and faculty as well as information flows with people external to the School of Industrial Engineering (e.g., prospective students, alumni, etc.). The committee chairs and committee members will be responsible for keeping the IEGSO website up to date with information for students, including but not limited to, a calendar of events and activities, helpful resources, and documentation of past activities. The committee members will also be responsible for creating flyers for events, documenting events (e.g., photographs, videos), and closely work with Publicity & Outreach committee for social media accounts. The committee will also put together a bi-semesterly newsletter with the events, recaps of events, and links to helpful resources for students.
Health and Wellness Committee:
The primary function of this committee is to focus on the health and wellness of our IE graduate students by providing them with resources and opportunities related to physical fitness, good nutrition, stress management, mental and emotional health, work/life balance, etc. The committee will be in charge of planning monthly activities (seminars, events) as well as promoting resources and other events around campus that support healthy living. In addition, committee members will also be advocates for intramural sports teams and pick up games at the CoRec. A focus of this committee will be to help facilitate stronger relations between faculty/staff and students by asking for their advice / input for healthy living in seminar talks as well as through friendly competitive events (e.g., students vs faculty softball game).
The PGSG Senator works primarily with the Purdue Graduate Student Government to facilitate communication between the PGSG and the IE Graduate Students. It is expected that PGSG Senator would attend the monthly meetings held by PGSG and discuss outcome with IEGSO executive board during IEGSO regular meetings.