How to Join IEGSO

If you are interested in getting involved with organizing and planning IEGSO events, please email or message us on our social media accounts. Team Members will be involved in event suggestions, managing event logistics, and organizing events.

We are currently looking for Team Members to help organize the following events:

– Networking Workshop (Jan 28th):     1 member for managing photography booth     2 members for managing food logistics     1 member for setup and teardown

– Monster Mini golf (Feb 5th):     2 members for managing check in station at Monster Mini Golf     2 members for managing check-in station at Grissom Hall for pickup     1 to 2 members for recording event attendance and for managing setup and teardown

– IM League:
     10 to 15 members for representing IEGSO basketball team in Purdue IM league
      5 to 10 members for representing IEGSO soccer team in Purdue IM league

– Future Speaker Series:
    2 members for managing food logistics
    1 member for setup and teardown, accompanying the speaker from the start till the end of the event

– IEGSO International cultural day (Multicultural food experience/Cultural expo with prizes):    1 to 2 members for managing check-in station and recording event attendance
    3 to 5 members to manage event planning and logistics

– Career fair in collab with PGSG (March):   8 to 10 members to reach out to company representatives for career fair registration and accompany them throughout the career fair   3 to 5 members to manage event planning and logistics

Best Regards,

Industrial Engineering Graduate Student Organization

Three Ways to Give


Make a gift online through our secure website using your credit card
(VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express), your debit card, or directly from your checking account,
Go to:

  • Step 1: Choose an amount to give
  • Step 2: Select 「Click here to view additional gift funds
  • Step 3: Scroll down to the bottom and select “Other” & Click Continue
  • Step 4: Type in [Industrial Engineering Graduate Student Organization] in the box provided below the Selected Designation section
  • Step 5: Fill out the remaining online fields

Questions Call 1-800-319-2199 or email


Make checks payable to Purdue Foundation
Specify [Industrial Engineering Graduate Student Organization] on the comment line
Send to:
Advancement Services, Purdue University Dick and Sandy Dauch Alumni Center 403 S. Wood Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2007


Make your gift using a credit card or debit card over the phone: 1-800-319-2199


**Contributions to the Purdue Foundation are deductible as charitable contributions. A tax receipt will be sent to the donor after the gift is processed.

Upcoming Events

New Grad Student Orientation

Please join the new graduate students for lunch on August 17 in Gris 103.

First Social Event of Fall 2015

When: Wednesday, August 19 4:00PM – 5:30PM

Where: Gris 102

Who: All IE grad students

What: Traditional social event, with ice breakers and games to get new students acquainted with current and other new students.
