in space
Step 1 – Earth to Gateway

New Technology Helps Address Big Problems with Small Satellites
Launch system helps improve discovery capabilities, minimizes damages.

Designing the Future of Space Robots
Mechanical engineering alumna is at the forefront of autonomous robotic research.
Step 2 – Living and Working on the Moon

Learning the Rules for Safe Homes in Space
The Resilient ExtraTerrestrial Habitats Institute (RETH) will establish systematic approaches to handle failures in truly challenging landscapes.

Because There Are No Pharmacies in Space
Lyophilization can help create food for space travel, new medicines for cancer.
Paving the Way for Long-Term Space Habitation
Crucial research helps scientists understand how the body responds to stressors in space. It has many earth-bound implications as well.
Step 3 – Moon to Mars

Propelling New Ventures to Mars
AAE’s Timothée Pourpoint is working on fuel candidates that could be used to launch rockets on Mars.
Additional Articles

Purdue Alumni in Space Industry
Purdue continues to look to the future of space exploration with a sense of excitement. At the same time, we celebrate the crucial roles Purdue Engineering alumni have played and continue to play.
First Man on the Moon
Celebrating the legacy of Neil Armstrong.
Amelia Earhart Aerospace Summit 2019
Amelia Earhart encouraged students to create new paths and pursue passions.
Launching Innovation
Two startups continue Purdue’s history of innovation in space technology.