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I will actively support our black students, amplify their voices, promote their professional development, and create an environment in which they thrive.”

Dr. Tamara Kinzer-Ursem

Dr. Tamara Kinzer-Ursem

Marta E. Gross Associate Professor

Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering

I support Black Engineers. Black. Lives. Matter. The education, mentoring, support and professional development of Black Engineers matter. It is not ok that Purdue has fewer first year black engineering students than we did 40 years ago. I encourage everyone, especially those in administration at Purdue to seriously examine and reaffirm our commitment to our Purdue values: INTEGRITY, RESPECT, HONOR, INCLUSION, INNOVATION, GROWTH. Are we amplifying these values in all aspects as we execute our educational mission? I pledge to model these values in all that I do. I will actively support our black students, amplify their voices, promote their professional development, and create an environment in which they thrive.