Agile Reform of Curriculum (ARC) is designed to stimulate learning innovations and support frequent (re)development of undergraduate curricula based on feedback from students and employers. The College of Engineering program seeks to catalyze ideas that can be piloted within an academic year including significant revamping of a specific required course sequence. ARC uses efficiencies across courses to reduce the number of classes taught while adding flexibility for students to engage in experiential learning, introducing new concentrations, minors and certificates in response to rapid technological advancements and societal changes affecting the future STEM workforce. The first four ARC projects launched in 2021 in different areas of Purdue Engineering aim to increase the depth of training in industry-ready competencies for students.
Alina Alexeenko, associate dean for undergraduate education, said, “We are taking an approach to curriculum that has driven high-speed innovation in tech with emphasis on supporting teams of faculty across disciplines and collaboration with learners and industry to enable a rapidly evolving curriculum that equips students for life."