Summer 2022

A Message from the Dean
Whether as a complement to residential learning or as a primary pathway for those seeking online graduate degrees and credentials, we continue to innovate and scale up online education...
Pinnacle of Excellence at Scale
Purdue Engineering graduate program scores back-to-back top 4 U.S. rankings for first time.
Undergraduate Education

Agile Reform of Curriculum (ARC)
Designed to stimulate learning innovations and support frequent (re)development of undergraduate curricula based on feedback from students and employers.

Remapping Biomedical Engineering Pathways
The Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering (BME) is implementing significant curriculum reforms.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Offering AI/ML and Semiconductors Minors for All
In response to a growing interest from students, Purdue's Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) will offer a minor and concentration in artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) and a new minor and concentration on semiconductors and microelectronics.

Data Science Labs
A series of undergraduate data science laboratories that relate to courses taken by all students in the College of Engineering are being developed by faculty in ECE.
Undergraduate Education (continued)

Rethinking Sophomore Year in Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Most Environmental and Ecological Engineering (EEE) courses are only taught once per year, with minimal instructor overlap. This creates challenges in the agility of the program to respond to changing needs of students, to accommodate new opportunities for students and faculty, and potentially in the overall time to degree for students.
The Global Engineering Alliance for Research and Education (GEARE)
GEARE participants Nick Mori and Roy Ramirez turned adversity into opportunity when facing a global pandemic.

Learning While Working Co-op Provides Continuous Industry-Campus Experience
The College of Engineering and the Office of Professional Practice (OPP) have launched a new co-op model that not only provides an immersive industry experience but also allows students to graduate on time.

Mechanical Engineering Seniors Compete in Opportunity Hub Event
Two seniors in the School of Mechanical Engineering took the national stage to tout their startups during Opportunity Hub (OHUB)'s HBCU@SXSW pitch competition on March 11 at Huston-Tillotson University, Austin, Texas.
An Interview with Alumnus Entrepreneur Joe Watkins of Socio (Now Webex Events)
In 2016, a group of Purdue University undergraduate students developed Socio, a social media application that revolutionized the way people connect by introducing the "digital handshake."
Profiles: Dean's Leadership Scholars 2022
The Engineering Dean's Leadership Scholars are an outstanding group of undergraduate students selected for their academic and leadership prowess.
Graduate Education

New Professional Master's Concentration Focuses on Sports Engineering
The Professional Master's Concentration in Sports Engineering is housed in the Graduate Program of Interdisciplinary Engineering (IDE) and provides students with an opportunity to specialize their studies in the area of sports engineering.
New Interdisciplinary Master's Degree in Semiconductors and Microelectronics
The Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), in partnership with Purdue's Schools of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering, intends to offer the new concentration - an entirely new Master of Science (MS) degree major in semiconductors and microelectronics.

Preparing the Next Generation of Leaders in the Military
The Purdue Military Research Institute (PMRI) began in Fall 2014 to provide no-cost, in-resident, graduate education for active-duty U.S. military officers from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Space Force by offering access to some 1,900 faculty who are conducting world-class research in numerous areas of significant impact and interest to the Department of Defense.
Purdue Engineering to Raise Stipends for PhD Students
The College of Engineering, with support from its schools and the University, is taking actions to increase College-wide minimum and median PhD student assistantship stipend levels.
Profiles: Online Master's Alumni
Alumni who have earned master's degrees and are applying the skills learned to make positive impacts around the world and in space.