[vip-help] Fwd: Next semester VIP project selection

Zoltowski, Carla B cbz at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 9 17:42:03 EST 2024

Hi! Teja is joining the team but has to wait for the learning community to add him. I would like to get him started on the team - can you help provide access to Teams and Gogs?

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From: Teja Akella <takella at purdue.edu>
Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 8:26 PM
To: Ramirez, Nichole M <nramire at purdue.edu>; Zoltowski, Carla B <cbz at purdue.edu>
Subject: Re: Next semester VIP project selection


I totally forgot to ask this earlier but where is the IPA team meeting tomorrow at 5:30?

Please let me know.

Teja Akella
From: Ramirez, Nichole M <nramire at purdue.edu>
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2024 2:00 PM
To: Teja Akella <takella at purdue.edu>
Cc: Zoltowski, Carla B <cbz at purdue.edu>
Subject: RE: Next semester VIP project selection


I’m glad you were able to rearrange your math class to accommodate the VIP IPA team. I’ll work with the Registrar’s office to get your VIP 17912 section changed.

Thank you,

Dr. Ramirez

Nichole Ramirez, Ph.D.

Assistant Director, Vertically Integrated Projects<https://engineering.purdue.edu/VIP> (VIP)

Purdue University

Office: ARMS 1215

(765) 494-3372

nramire at purdue.edu

From: Teja Akella <takella at purdue.edu>
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2024 12:55 PM
To: Ramirez, Nichole M <nramire at purdue.edu>
Subject: Re: Next semester VIP project selection

Hi Dr.Ramirez,

Thanks for getting back to me!

I would like to join Professor Zoltwoskis IPA team. I moved my math class to a different time so that I would not have a conflict with this class.

Please let me know if this works and If I have to do anything else.

Thanks for all of your help,

Teja Akella


From: Ramirez, Nichole M <nramire at purdue.edu<mailto:nramire at purdue.edu>>
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2024 9:55 AM
To: Zoltowski, Carla B <cbz at purdue.edu<mailto:cbz at purdue.edu>>; Teja Akella <takella at purdue.edu<mailto:takella at purdue.edu>>
Subject: RE: Next semester VIP project selection

Hi Teja,

I shared your interests and background with the WMS mentor. It looks like the WMS Meta<https://engineering.purdue.edu/VIP/teams/metahorizon> team would better align with your interests and it would work with your schedule. WMS Meta meets on Tuesdays at 3:30 pm. Please let me know if you would like to switch to that team.

Otherwise, we could switch to one of Prof. Zoltowski’s teams, Imaging Processing and Analysis<https://engineering.purdue.edu/VIP/teams/ipa> (IPA). The team meets on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm, which would be slight conflict with your math class. If Prof. Zoltowski approves, IPA would be your other option.

Please let me know which team you’d like to proceed with.

Thank you,

Dr. Ramirez

Nichole Ramirez, Ph.D.

Assistant Director, Vertically Integrated Projects<https://engineering.purdue.edu/VIP> (VIP)

Purdue University

Office: ARMS 1085

(765) 494-3372

nramire at purdue.edu<mailto:nramire at purdue.edu>

From: Zoltowski, Carla B <cbz at purdue.edu<mailto:cbz at purdue.edu>>
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2024 9:32 AM
To: Teja Akella <takella at purdue.edu<mailto:takella at purdue.edu>>
Cc: Ramirez, Nichole M <nramire at purdue.edu<mailto:nramire at purdue.edu>>
Subject: RE: Next semester VIP project selection

Hi Teja,

I hope you had a nice break as well.  As I mentioned in class, I would like to see if there are any other options within WMS that better align with your interests. Dr. Ramirez (copied) is working on this and we will let you know ASAP.

Professor Zoltowski

From: Teja Akella <takella at purdue.edu<mailto:takella at purdue.edu>>
Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2024 7:20 PM
To: Zoltowski, Carla B <cbz at purdue.edu<mailto:cbz at purdue.edu>>
Subject: Re: Next semester VIP project selection

Hi Professor Zoltowski,

Hope you had a good winter break!

I just wanted to follow up and see if you had a chance to add me to one of the other VIP projects (either one of the projects I specified or one of your own projects) because the spring semester is just around the corner.

Please let me know!


Teja Akella


From: Teja Akella
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 9:20 PM
To: Zoltowski, Carla B <cbz at purdue.edu<mailto:cbz at purdue.edu>>
Subject: Next semester VIP project selection

Hi Professor Zoltowski,

I have looked over all of the VIP projects and my top choice for next semester is the AFRL - Unmanned Aerial Systems project. I have worked with AFRL before and I have learned that I am really interested in the cybersecurity, software, and control systems that go into an aeronautics project. I really think I bring a lot to the table with my past experience and would love to learn more about this topic.

My second choice would have to be the GE Robotics and Autonomous Systems. I also have a background in robotics and automation, and I would love to explore how robotics can be used in different fields.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to help me find a new project!


Teja Akella
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